Violin & Human Interest

From Bribery to Musical Achievement My Daughter and Her Violin Fifteen Years Later

March 21, 2012 by Richard Moss, M.D.

I watched with my wife and three children from the pews of the old church in the small village of Dale, Indiana, a stately but modest wooden structure with a steeple, painted in white, on a quiet street, like a post card. My daughter, Arielle, eighteen years old, was readying herself for what would be her final recital as a member of “Strings,” the Suzuki organization of teachers, parents, and young students that is and has been the center of the violin universe in the area. Read more ▶

Senior Strings

August 11, 2011 by Jentry Barrett

The title of Kay Collier Sloan’s fantastic book They’re Rarely Too Young and Never Too Old to Twinkle was put to the test in January 2009. I was working as an administrative assistant at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln College of… Read more ▶

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