Suzuki News

Congratulations to New Teacher Trainers

October 4, 2010

The SAA would like to welcome three new Teacher Trainers: Blake Brasch Cello Mount Prospect, IL Timothy Durbin Violin Carlisle, KY Sarah Salz Piano Miami, FL We look forward to their service in this new and important capacity. Looking for a Trainer? Search for Teacher Trainers by instrument or location. Read more ▶

Board Meeting Minutes September 2010

September 29, 2010

Friday, September 24, 2010, Boulder, CO The meeting was called to order at 1:55 p.m. by Teri Einfeldt, chair. Members present: Sue Baer, Ellen Berry, Dan Browning, Teri Einfeldt, Chair, Marilyn Kesler, Sarah Montzka, Patricia Purcell, MaryLou Roberts, Marilyn O’Boyle, Betsy Stuen-Walker,… Read more ▶

William Kossler Suzuki Guitar Pioneer

September 27, 2010 by Andrea Cannon

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Tribute to Dorothy Jones

September 27, 2010 by Alice Joy Lewis

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Suzuki News 25 Conference Pictures SPA  Upcoming Events Certificates Scholarships

September 22, 2010

In this issue: ASJ 38.4 & Conference Wrap-Up Upcoming SPA Courses ECC Grant: We’re at #4! Early Childhood Teacher Training in TX January is Parent Education Month Certificate of Achievement 2011 Scholarships & Latin American Festivals Online Teacher Location Service Events: October & November ASJ 38.4 & Conference Wrap-Up American Suzuki… Read more ▶

Musicalis Ars Suzuki A Suzuki Method Experience in Colombia

September 21, 2010 by Eric Daniel Sanchez Mejia

Back in 2004, my sister, a Suzuki piano teacher, and I, began a project that changed totally our lives: We formed a small school of music named “Musicalis Ars Suzuki,” which has grown little by little. There we have… Read more ▶

Pam Brasch Creating Educating and Organizing the Future of the SAA

September 21, 2010 by Carol Tarr

Sometime in the early 1980s, I received a call saying a family was moving from Evanston, IL, to Boulder, CO. Would I teach their son Suzuki cello? Alas, it was at least an hour’s drive from Boulder to Lakewood—but at… Read more ▶

Dorothy Jones The Heart of Suzuki Early Childhood Education

September 21, 2010 by Nancy Brady

Dorothy’s introduction to the Suzuki Method was in the winter of 1968/69 when daughters Beth and Sharon began Suzuki violin study. Dorothy soon learned about the developments in Suzuki Piano and embarked on her career as an instructor and trainer… Read more ▶

William Kossler Bringing Suzukis Ideas to Guitar in the Americas

September 21, 2010 by Andrea Cannon

It is my pleasure to share with you the work of William Kossler in bringing the experience of his Matsumoto Training to Suzuki Guitar in the Americas. Suzuki Teachers place high priority on Dr. Suzuki’s Philosophy. Those who worked with… Read more ▶

Judi Gowe Bagnato Longtime Advocate for the Suzuki Movement

September 21, 2010 by Gilda Barston

The Creating Learning Community awards are designed to celebrate significant contributions by individuals or groups who have contributed to the support of Dr. Suzuki’s ideas and the Suzuki community. Judi Bagnato, a Music Education and Suzuki Editor at Alfred Music… Read more ▶

Creating Learning Community Awards 2010

September 21, 2010 by Carol Ourada

On Saturday evening of the conference, the ballroom was hushed in anticipation for the announcement of the recipients of the Creating Learning Community Awards. Through the biennial CLC Awards Program the SAA is pleased to recognize and celebrate significant contributions by… Read more ▶

Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the International Research Symposium on Talent Education

September 21, 2010 by Alice Ann O'Neill

A record number of Suzuki teachers, researchers and graduate students gathered on May 27 and 28, 2010, to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the International Research Symposium on Talent Education. Dr. Robert Duke, Professor of Music and Human Learning from… Read more ▶

SYOA Seventh Successful Year

September 21, 2010 by James Van Reeth, Vanessa Vari

Young musicians from both North and South America joined together at this year’s “Teamwork” Conference to form two outstanding string orchestras—Suzuki Youth Orchestras of the Americas I and II. Each child arrived at the conference very well prepared, having worked… Read more ▶

International Ensembles Concert Sunday Night Finale Event

September 21, 2010 by May Ing, Carol Waldvogel

The International Ensembles Committee of Carol Waldvogel and May Ing kicked into high gear on Sunday, May 30, overseeing the needs of Cellisimo, Allegro!!! and Noah Krauss. The first performance was the Piano Concerto Competition winner, Noah Krauss. Noah was superbly… Read more ▶

2010 A True Team Effort

September 21, 2010 by Christie Felsing

A job worth doing is worth doing together! The 2010 SAA Conference saw true teamwork in action! From its brainstorming stages to the on-site cooperation and collaboration amongst the entire crew, the 13th biennial conference attracted 850 teachers plus many parent,… Read more ▶

Once Upon a Board

September 21, 2010 by Carol Ourada

As the van edged its way down the highway, purple-hued mountains poked out along the horizon. Prairie dogs darted in and out of their holes as the vehicle passed by the open land. Was this a setting for a movie… Read more ▶

SAA Board Experiences

September 21, 2010 by Ruth Engle Larner

As my three-year term as a member of the SAA’s Board of Directors comes to a close, I can look back over those years and see growth—growth in the SAA as an association and proponent for excellent music education, and… Read more ▶

Pictures from 9th Suzuki Voice Workshop Finland 2010

September 13, 2010

Thanks to Analia Capponi-Savolainen for sending in these pictures. For more info on Suzuki Voice see Read more ▶

Letter to Students Cliffs Notes for A Faster Brain

August 27, 2010

Daniel Coyle was a keynote speaker at our 2010 conference. Be on the look out for the next ASJ with conference summations. Here are some of his great tips on training your brain: Daniel Coyle: Letter to Students: Cliffs Notes for… Read more ▶

2010 Conference Student DVD is here

August 27, 2010

The 2010 Conference Student DVD is now available online. It includes the SYOA 1 & 2, Flute Performing Ensemble, and Piano Concerto performances. If you pre-ordered a DVD at the conference, it should be on the way to you. If you… Read more ▶

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