Friday, September 24, 2010, Boulder, CO

The meeting was called to order at 1:55 p.m. by Teri Einfeldt, chair.

Members present: Sue Baer, Ellen Berry, Dan Browning, Teri Einfeldt, Chair, Marilyn Kesler, Sarah Montzka, Patricia Purcell, MaryLou Roberts, Marilyn O’Boyle, Betsy Stuen-Walker, secretary, and Pam Brasch, ex officio.

Teri began by assigning duties: Ellen Parking Lot, Marilyn O. meeting note-taker, Marilyn K. Carver Cop

Motion #1 To accept the minutes as corrected.
Motion: Sue Baer 2nd Patty Purcell Carried

The Minutes will be posted on the board forum for comments within two weeks of the

Motion #2 That we have received the monitoring reports.
Motion: Marilyn O’Boyle 2nd Sarah Montzka Carried

Items discussed included grants and scholarships; history of equity; Aber Fund; vendors at conferences; credit card fees; defined accrual; annual fund; institutes; conference feedback; Mark George, chair-elect, called in and joined the meeting via tele-conferencing at 2:30 from Chicago.

Pam would like to see the annual fund be raised from $35,000 to $40-$45,000 this year.

A discussion followed about fund-raising – a non-ball idea. Stay at home and donate, or have neighborhood parties and ask for a small fee and show a DVD (Mark’s closing remarks, Kreitman program performance).


Clarified SPA course – people need to contact the SAA to set one up, not contacting the trainer. Minimum 10, max 20.

Ends Report: 1:0 and 1.1.2 Pam’s report was very informative.

Brief discussion about the Leadership Retreat; new teacher training guidelines; request for articles; Marilyn K. suggested info from trainers/institute directors. Teri suggested a board member write a brief column each month for the newsletter.

Motion #3 That each Board Member create a message about the value of connection/ownership to the SAA in accordance with Policy 4.3.3.
Motion: Marilyn Kesler 2nd MaryLou Roberts Carried