Suzuki News

Happy Holidays

December 12, 2008

The SAA Board and Staff wish you and your friends and family happy holidays and good luck in the new year! Read more ▶

Studio Memberships

December 12, 2008

Studio Memberships are a great way for families to support the SAA and receive the American Suzuki Journal. Active teacher members of the SAA may collect 10 or more Associate memberships from families in their studio for only $30 US/CAN… Read more ▶

ASJ Volume 371

December 11, 2008

American Suzuki Journal volume 37.1 is now being mailed to current SAA members. Look for it in your mail soon! In this issue… The View from My Corner of the Suzuki Triangle, Allen Lieb’s conference address Suzuki Guitar—in Japan? Building Community: The International Suzuki… Read more ▶

First International Suzuki Festival in Patagonia

December 10, 2008 by Cristina Villafane

The Festival in Patagonia took place in San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina, from the 10th to the 13th of September, 2008. 40 participants attended the course on Suzuki Philosophy given by the Scottish teacher Caroline Fraser from Perú. Three participants… Read more ▶

Reflections on taking a Practicum

December 10, 2008 by Maria del Pilar Sarmiento

I would like to share with you my reflections on having taken the Piano Practicum which was offered as part of the 7th Suzuki Festival held in Bogotá in June, 2008. This practicum course was one of the most gratifying experiences… Read more ▶

Dominican Republic Every Child Can Course June 3 2008

December 10, 2008 by Caroline Fraser

An Every Child Can course took place on June 3, 2008, at the National Conservatory of Music in Santo Domingo. This course was organized by Angela Holguin, in coordination with Marta Hernandez in Puerto Rico (only an hour away by… Read more ▶

Puerto Rico Every Child Can and Kodaly Workshop May 30 to June 1 2008

December 10, 2008 by Caroline Fraser

An Every Child Can course and a Kodaly Workshop organized by Marta Hernandez took place in San Juan from May 30 through June 1, 2008. These courses were sponsored by the National Conservatory of Music, the Centro de Estudios Avanzados… Read more ▶

VII National Workshop Ayacucho May 1318 2008

December 10, 2008 by Caroline Fraser

Every year the Suzuki Association of Peru holds two National Workshops: one in Lima, the capital of Peru, and one in another region of the country. These workshops are designed for low income families and for teachers and students living… Read more ▶

2009 Dues and Dues Reminders

December 10, 2008

Please note that your Active dues for 2009 are $68/year, US or CAN. A much-needed 4% increase ($3) is reflected in this new dues level. Membership dues for the Active Group category (schools, organizations, programs) for 2009 are $75/year US… Read more ▶

Going oncegoing twicesold

December 10, 2008 by Ruth Engle Larner

A silent auction fund-raiser was held at the 2008 SAA Conference, organized by the SAA’s Board of Directors. Many businesses and individuals graciously donated items and services to be auctioned. The variety ranged from instruments to software to jewelry to… Read more ▶

Selected Papers Related to Music Perception  Cognition

December 10, 2008 by Laurel Trainor

Many of these articles can be downloaded from specifically about Suzuki @ of particular interest to music educators $ review Articles in Science Journals $ Trainor, L. J. (2008). Science & Music: The neural roots of music. Nature, 453, 598-599. @ Trainor, L. J., Gao,… Read more ▶

Furthering the Mission Ninth International Research Symposium on Talent Education

December 10, 2008 by Alice Ann O'Neill

The MISSION of the International Research Symposium on Talent Education (IRSTE): provide insights for improving teaching abilities within the Suzuki method; scientifically document the work of teachers and students using the Suzuki method; provide an experience whereby would-be researchers can explore their… Read more ▶

Building Community The International Suzuki Guitar Festival

December 10, 2008 by MaryLou Roberts

On July 7, 2008 we began an exciting new event in the development of Suzuki Guitar in North America: the first International Suzuki Guitar Festival, held at the Santa Clara Convention Center in sunny California. No one knew quite what… Read more ▶

2008 Scholarship Recipients

December 10, 2008

Congratulations to the following teachers who received scholarships in 2008: Bass: Sergio Alberto Nievas (Argentina) Cello: Brian Andrew Carter (NC)—Joe Cleveland Memorial Jonathan Lee Cheskin (ID)—Southwest Strings Bethany Erhardt (MI)—Adam Lesinsky Memorial Sandra L Halleran (NY)—Yvonne Tait Memorial Abigail McHugh (NY) Patricia Pasmanter (Argentina) Andrea S Yun (MI)—Connolly &… Read more ▶

2008 Annual Fund

December 10, 2008

The SAA’s Annual Fund Campaign 2008 is quickly drawing to a close. Please take note that this year’s Annual Fund information with return pledge envelope will not arrive as a separate mailing but is still very important to the SAA.… Read more ▶

Do the Parents in Your Studio Know

December 10, 2008

The 2008 Parents as Partners sessions are audio files online, available to all Suzuki parents (and teachers, too!) to listen to or to download. This year’s event featured three sessions: “Supporting Your Teacher,” a panel featuring Board Chair and former… Read more ▶

Your ENewsletter and Ballot

December 10, 2008

If you have an email address, the SAA would like to add you to the circulation list for the monthly newsletter. Don’t miss out on upcoming announcements, news and information. Among the items in upcoming newsletters are these: For Active Members… Read more ▶

Congratulations to UWSP

December 10, 2008

The Dr. Suzuki digital collection was recently proclaimed as one of the “best of the web” new sites by Librarians Index to the Internet ( in a weekly alert. Congratulations to Distinguished Suzuki Specialist Patricia D’Ercole and the UW Digital… Read more ▶

Suzuki News 3 Journal Index Annual Fund

November 12, 2008

ASJ Index Now Online The complete American Suzuki Journal index, dating back to the first issue in 1973, is now available online. Can’t remember where you saw that great article on group lessons or practicing? You can search the index and… Read more ▶

2008 Annual Fund Campaign  Holiday Gifts

November 11, 2008

The 2008 annual fund drive is now underway. The SAA depends on fund-raising efforts to achieve many of its goals, including the teacher scholarship program which aids teachers and teacher trainees in both North and South America. Won’t you join… Read more ▶

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