Suzuki News

The 16th Suzuki Method World Convention Matsumoto Japan

June 24, 2013

Pictures and videos! Read more ▶

Latin American Update XXVIII International Festival Lima Peru January 528 2013

June 24, 2013 by Caroline Fraser

The Peru Festival continues to be a vibrant center for Suzuki teacher training in Latin America. Read more ▶

2013 Leadership Retreat Report

June 24, 2013

The value of the SAA learning community was demonstrated repeatedly throughout the weekend, the process of visioning the future of Suzuki education was experienced, and through many opportunities for small group and one-on-one exchanges, many new friendships were formed. Read more ▶

Suggested Supplementary Repertoire for Revised Violin Books 6 7  8

June 24, 2013

The SAA Violin Committee is excited to report that the Revised Book 6 of the Suzuki Violin School is finally in print. Included in the mailing of the next SAA Journal is a list of Suggested Repertoire for Books 6,… Read more ▶

Interview Vijay Iyer

June 24, 2013 by Sarah Bylander Montzka

Grammy-nominated composer-pianist Vijay Iyer was described by Pitchfork as “one of the most interesting and vital young pianists in jazz today,” by The New Yorker as one of “today’s most important pianists… extravagantly gifted… brilliantly eclectic,” and by the Los Angeles Weekly as “a boundless and deeply important young star.” Read more ▶

Viva Suzuki  How Children Celebrate and Help One Another

June 24, 2013 by Laura Seay

¡Viva Suzuki! was created at the Colorado Suzuki Institute in 2001 to collect musical equipment and supplies and distribute them to teacher workshop participants who would take the instruments back to their underserved communities around the world. Read more ▶

Suzuki Teacher Training for Trumpet European Suzuki Association Level 1

June 21, 2013

The Swedish Suzuki Association in co-operation with Västerås School of the Arts in Sweden is proud to offer the world’s first ever Suzuki Teacher Training for Trumpet Teachers: European Suzuki Association Level 1. Read more ▶

Leadership in the Suzuki Community through Empowering Others Leadership Retreat Recap

June 19, 2013 by Marilyn Kesler

How can we lead in our Suzuki communities by empowering others? Read more ▶

Suzuki ENews 59 SAA Conference  Student Opportunities Suzuki Americas 2014 Annual Meeting Summary

June 18, 2013

In this issue: SAA Conference, Suzuki Americas 2014 & Latin American Suzuki Ensemble, Annual Meeting & Leadership Retreat Summary, News from Here and There, Upcoming Events Read more ▶

In Memoriam Yuko Mori

June 17, 2013

With great sadness we pass on the following message from the Talent Education Research Institute Office in Matsumoto. Many knew Ms. Mori well and will remember her wonderful teaching and strong support for Dr. Suzuki and the Suzuki Method. Read more ▶

Suzuki Voice Then and Now 2013

June 14, 2013 by Mary Hofer

See the progress of Mary Hofer’s voice students through the years—inspiring! Read more ▶

From Pilsen to Matsumoto The Trip of a Lifetime for Merit Students

June 12, 2013 by Libby Felts

A reminder of something that makes the Suzuki method extraordinary: its power to cross cultural and geopolitical boundaries to bring together people who share the common bond of creating beautiful music Read more ▶

Tips for Managing a Successful Studio Leadership Retreat Recap

June 6, 2013 by Sally Gross, Carrie Walsh Erdely

Studio management tips, from recruiting to building community and more! Read more ▶

Christie Felsing Receives ISTA Leopold LaFosse Studio Teacher Award

June 5, 2013

Christie Felsing is this year’s recipient of the Iowa String Teachers Association “Leopold LaFosse Studio Teacher Award.” Congratulations! Read more ▶

Active Communication within the Suzuki Studio Leadership Retreat Recap

May 30, 2013 by Heidi Curatolo, Christie Felsing

How do you encourage active communication in your studio? Among parents? Among students? Supporting colleagues? Read more ▶

Using Technology in Your Program Leadership Retreat Recap

May 29, 2013 by David Madsen

What tech tools do you use in your Suzuki program? How do you address these or other concerns? Read more ▶

Suzuki ENews 58 Supplementary Violin Repertoire Minijournal 2014 Conference

May 21, 2013

In this issue: 2014 Conference Dates: May 22-26 in Minneapolis Suggested Supplementary Repertoire for Revised Violin Books 6-8 Suzuki Violin School Book Revisions Update Minijournal Cover Contest Winners 2014 Conference Dates: May 22-26 Plans are underway to make the SAA 2014 Conference, “Powered by Community,” a… Read more ▶

Minijournal Cover Contest Winners for 2013

June 5, 2013

A big thank you to everybody who participated in the 2013 Minijournal Cover Design Contest! Read more ▶

Suzuki Violin School Book Revisions Update

May 21, 2013

The Revised Book 6 of the Suzuki Violin School and Piano Accompaniment are finally here! While there was some delay in getting the revised Book 6 to press, the ISA Violin Committee felt the book should be thoroughly prepared before… Read more ▶

Winifred Crock named SLSO Educator of the Year

May 3, 2013

Suzuki teacher Winifred Crock received the 2013 St. Louis Symphony Orchestra Educator of the Year award. Congratulations! Read more ▶

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