Suzuki News

First Suzuki Convention of the Americas May 15 2019 Cancun Mexico

June 18, 2018 by Leslie Mizrahi

Connecting two continents through one dream: Dr. Shinichi Suzuki’s vision and philosophy. Showing the world that we can erase boundaries, when it comes to children and music we all speak one same language: the language of the heart. This convention was created… Read more ▶

Additional Recordings for the Suzuki Violin School

September 13, 2018

from the SAA Violin Committee Establishing a rich musical environment through listening is a cornerstone of the Suzuki approach and an all-important component of the “Language Learning Analogy.” Listening repetitively to fine performances creates a palette of musical concepts and ideas… Read more ▶

Select Conference Videos from 2018

September 25, 2018

The 2018 SAA Conference was a huge success. Thank you to all presenters, participants, and organizers! Here are a few videos to give you a flavor or a reminder of the weekend. Koen Rens’ masterful keynote speech, “Suzuki Music Education: The Power… Read more ▶

I Get to Bring Them In  Season 2 Episode 4

September 13, 2018 by Clara Hardie, Mark Mutter, Ashley Nelson, Margaret Watts Romney

What is community? How do you find it? Join it? Build it? It’s more than just showing up to a bake sale with brownies from a box, then taking off (though I’ve done this many times). Is it bowling clubs… Read more ▶

Costa Rica Students in Chicago

August 21, 2018

Eight Costa Rican Suzuki students and their families (21 total!) traveled to the Chicago Suzuki Institute in Deerfield, IL, this past June. What a great boost to the Book 1 and 2 classes and the beginning orchestra! Photos courtesy of Rosella… Read more ▶

Book One Has Become More Alive for Me The Revisiting Unit One Course

August 15, 2018 by Margaret Watts Romney

We all need a boost sometimes. For some teachers, repeating an entire beginning training course (though very worthwhile!) feels like not quite the boost they were looking for. Enter Revisiting Unit One, a course designed for experienced teachers who are… Read more ▶

Talking Together  On Sale Now

July 31, 2018

Talking Together: Getting Beyond Polarization Through Civil Dialogue: Getting Beyond Polarization Through Civil Dialogue From our 2018 SAA Conference keynote speaker, Kay Collier McLaughlin, this book is resource guide of theories translated into exercises people can practice to develop the skills… Read more ▶

Alfred Music Product Update News  July 2018

July 19, 2018

Here is an update to the book list from Alfred Music for July 2018: Alfred Music Product Update News PDF Read more ▶

Play with Others and Fast Track Your Progress

July 10, 2018 by Melanie Doderai

When signing up for music lessons, students can expect to attend a weekly lesson, to practice regularly at home and to repeat this process every week. Knowing that this requires many hours of commitment, new families often ask why I… Read more ▶

2018 Minijournal Cover Contest

May 1, 2018

Congratulations to the winners of the 2018 Minijournal Cover Design Contest! Cover Design Best of Show Ages 4-6 Best of Show Ages 7-10 Best of Show Ages 11-14 Staff Favorite Honorable Mention Honorable Mention Read more ▶

Chapter Round Table Session from Conference 2018

June 20, 2018

Transcript for Website At the 2018 Conference, all Affiliated Chapters were invited to a session to connect and hear news of each other’s recent successful projects. The comments from each of the Chapters were audio recorded. Here is an edited (for… Read more ▶

Greater Than We Would Be on Our Own  Season 2 Episode 2

June 17, 2018 by Daniela Gongora, Gail Johansen, Margaret Watts Romney

Margaret Watts Romney: Gail Johansen and Daniela Gongora are both violinists and teachers, but they’ve made music in vastly different areas. Gail Johansen lives in Fairbanks, Alaska… Gail Johansen: Right now since it is almost the winter solstice, we have less… Read more ▶

Were All Performers of One Kind or Another  Season 2 Episode1

May 28, 2018 by Margaret Watts Romney

Welcome back to season two of Building Noble Hearts. I’m Margaret Watts Romney. Here, we take a look at the learning environments in which children, parents, and teachers gain new knowledge, and are also encouraged to become fine individuals. Throughout… Read more ▶

1st Suzuki Convention of the Americas

January 8, 2018

Inspired by the Biennial Conferences of the SAA, the Suzuki World Conventions, the conventions in Peru and Mexico, and hundreds of institutes and festivals throughout the Americas, we are pleased to invite you to the 1st Suzuki… Read more ▶

It Transcended Us to Another World  Episode 3

May 23, 2017 by Joan Krzywicki, Margaret Watts Romney

Subscribe to the Podcast on iTunes Also on Stitcher and other popular podcast apps. Feed URL: Music & Clips Radiolab “Sound as Touch” episode Sun Up by Stephen Katz and Derek Snyder Pictures at an Exhibition by Modest Mussorgsky played by Alexander Ghindin. Comments… Read more ▶

Skills I didnt know my child had  Episode 5

July 7, 2017 by Dorothy Jones, Margaret Watts Romney

When is the ideal age to start a music education? Many teachers start students as young as 3 and 4 years old, but Dorothy Jones took to heart Dr. Suzuki’s admonition to focus on the babies. In this episode, we… Read more ▶

Conference Session Spotlight Kay Collier McLaughlin

April 2, 2018

Talking Together: How to Get Beyond Polarization and See and Hear Each Other Through Civil Dialogue Kay Collier McLaughlin (formerly Kay Collier-Slone) describes herself as a Suzuki teacher specializing in social change. The author of the Talent Education classic, They’re Rarely… Read more ▶

Conference Session Spotlight Carnival of the Animals

March 22, 2018

Arranging Carnival of the Animals for students! Camille Saint -Saëns’ Carnival of the Animals was written for children, but have you felt the desire to have your students play it as well? At the 2018 Suzuki Association of the Americas Conference,… Read more ▶

Updates from the Suzuki Community in Puerto RicoAnd the 2018 Asociacin Suzuki de Violin de Puerto Rico Workshop

March 9, 2018 by Marta Hernandez, Irene Mitchell

Many members of the SAA have been in close contact with Suzuki teacher colleagues in Puerto Rico since the devastating hurricane in September 2017, providing moral and monetary support.[i] Despite formidable odds against them, the Asociación Suzuki de Violin de… Read more ▶

Curious About Conference

February 21, 2018 by Margaret Watts Romney

Have you been to a conference before? Wondering how the days are filled? Or what people learn there? Whether you have been to a conference or not, watch this video about the many reasons people attend, and see the endorsements… Read more ▶

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