SAA Logo—First Image

Members of the SAA: 

We are SO thrilled to share with you our new website, which has been in development for over a year. The new website will go live in the next couple of weeks, and we want to help you prepare! Here’s what to expect: 

Getting Started: 

  • You will receive an email from which will have a link you can use to change your passcode.

  • You’ll need to change your password immediately. Simply enter your new password, and be sure to save it so you can log back in! 

  • Explore and enjoy the new site! 

A few logistical things to prepare for

  • If for some reason your login link doesn’t work, don’t worry! You can simply click “forgot password” and follow the steps to set up a new password.

  • If it’s important to you to keep memories of the current site, feel free to take a couple of screen shots of any important information that you don’t want to lose! Feel free also to download anything—your course history, or anything of that sort you’d like as SOON as possible!

  • If you’re a Teacher Trainer, an Insitute/Festival Director, or a Course Host, we’ll send along a video for how to submit courses in the coming days.

  • Set some extra time aside when you need to navigate the website. 

As excited as we are, we are expecting a few bumps along the way, and you may encounter some as well. We know that some additional tweaks will need to happen after launch. The SAA Staff will also maintain access to the current website after the new website launches. When you get frustrated (and you will!), please take a breath, know that SAA Staff are here to help, and remember that we are all working together for good in the name of Dr. Suzuki.

Please note that our last website has done an amazing job serving us for almost 20 years! There is a LOT that has gone into moving us onto a new website. New items will continue to be added over time. If there’s information you’re looking for that’s not available, let us know, and we will look into what is possible. Please know that we will add more over time, AND that we made decisions on what to bring over based on priority, website security, and much more! Write us at [javascript protected email address] with any questions, comments, or concerns!

We are working to make this transition as smooth as possible. With that said, we can assure you that we anticipate some bumps :). Thank you for your patience, and please know we will do everything in our power to make sure we get you everything you need. 


The SAA Team