Espanol & Latin America

Reflexiones sobre el desarrollo del Mtodo de Suzuki en Santiago de Cuba Decmo el sueo de dos maestras de violn se convirti en realidad

December 19, 2018 by Cecilia Dayana Rosales Prieto

Santiago de Cuba es una ciudad conocida por su rica historia y sus influencias culturales distintivas. Ubicada al suroriente de Cuba, la Capital del Caribe como también se le conoce, es una urbe ecléctica, con más de cinco siglos de… Read more ▶

One Project Many Fruits Latin American Suzuki EnsembleSuzuki Americas 2014

November 15, 2013 by Fernando Pinero

When the individual dreams become a collective reality, we start to make a significant difference; we start to see the deeper meaning of our actions. In May 2008, the SAA brought together the first Latin American Suzuki Ensemble. Read more ▶

Encuentro Mexicano The First Mexican National Suzuki Conference

September 18, 2013 by Leslie Mizrahi

One nation, two languages: Spanish and Music. An opportunity to acknowledge one another, to listen to one another, to touch one another’s hearts, to touch one another’s lives. The Mexican Encuentro was more than a musical experience, it was a gathering of hearts and souls all under one common idea: Shinichi Suzuki’s philosophy. Read more ▶

Latin American Update XXVIII International Festival Lima Peru January 528 2013

June 24, 2013 by Caroline Fraser

The Peru Festival continues to be a vibrant center for Suzuki teacher training in Latin America. Read more ▶

Musical Tourism Increase Your Childs Musical Abilities While Reinforcing Your Family Bond

March 18, 2013 by Leslie Mizrahi

This school year began with a festival in Monterrey, Mexico, where Maria (six years old) and Ximena (fourteen years old) and their parents traveled from Mexico City to receive master classes from our beloved teacher trainer Caroline Fraser, which also… Read more ▶

Latin American Update

December 14, 2012 by Caroline Fraser

Latin America embraces the Suzuki spirit, and programs in Latin America continue to grow and flourish. Teacher training courses have increased in the past years and more countries are organizing regular Festivals, which include children’s classes along with teacher training courses. Read more ▶

About the First Week of Suzuki Teacher Training and the Ninth Spring Retreat

September 1, 2012 by Fabio Dos Santos, Renata Pereira

One of the measures taken by military dictatorship that ruled Brazil between 1964 and 1985 was the withdrawal of musical training from the curricula of Brazilian schools. Read more ▶

Lets Celebrate Doris Koppelmans Life

May 1, 2012 by Caroline Fraser

Doris died peacefully on September 11, 2011, accompanied by her sons, while I was on my way to Guanajuato, México, for their VI Festival Suzuki. Etna Diemecke and I dedicated the Festival to the celebration of Doris’ life. Her life inspired us to work with yet more dedication, more energy and more persistence towards the fulfillment of Dr Suzuki’s dream: a world without violence and conflicts, a world of love, peace and compassion. Read more ▶

2012 A Festival that Continues Growing Up

May 1, 2012 by Angelica Villa

Under the slogan associated with music for a better world, in 2008, Colombia celebrated ten years of Suzuki Festivals. Since then, the organizing team has not stopped their joint efforts to continue making this wonderful experience possible. Today, in the… Read more ▶

Latin American Suzuki Programs

October 6, 2011 by Marilyn O'Boyle

Translations: Español, Português So what does it mean for the SAA to be the Suzuki Association of the Americas, plural? When the SAA was established in 1972, it was charged with the responsibility to care for and nurture the development of… Read more ▶

Practicum A Great Way to Sharpen Your Teaching Tools

August 11, 2011 by Leslie Mizrahi

Practicum Un gran medio para afilar tus herramientas de enseñanza. Con comentarios de Etna Diemecke y Fabiola Sigala Este extraordinario taller nos ha llevado a apreciar aún más el arte de enseñar. Este arte involucra el instrumento, la música, el alumno y los padres… Read more ▶

Latin America

September 21, 2009 by Caroline Fraser

cavelicaVIII Taller Nacional en Huancavelica Compilado por Caroline Fraser Asociación Suzuki del Perú VIII Taller Nacional en Huancavelica, Mayo 20-24, 2009. Traducido por Ximena Marky Todos los años, la Asociación Suzuki del Perú (ASP) organiza un taller fuera de la ciudad de Lima. El propósito… Read more ▶

What is happening with the Suzuki Method in Chile

May 1, 2000 by Blancamaria Montecinos

by Blancamaria Montecinos, President, Suzuki Association of Chile Translated by Caroline Fraser This past January we were fortunate enough to host a marvelous faculty composed of teachers from different countries who came to be part of our XII International Suzuki Festival, held… Read more ▶

First Latin American Conference PEPSAL

February 1, 1999 by Caroline Fraser

I am very happy to be able to share with you the following reports. They have been submitted by several representatives of Latin American countries which participated in the Primer Encuentro de Profesores Suzuki de America Latina, PEPSAL. Annika Petrozzi, Presidenta… Read more ▶

Latin American Update

November 1, 1998 by Caroline Fraser

Actualidades Latino Americanas Por Caroline Fraser Traduccion: A. Centurion y M. Blondet Roberta Centurion, Marilyn O’Boyle y yo tenemos el placer de anunciar 1Primer Encuentro de Profesores Suzuki de America Latina (PEPSAL), auspiciado por la Asociacion Suzuki de las Americas, que se realizara… Read more ▶

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