Chapters & Suzuki

News from the Suzuki Association of Utah

November 1, 2016 by Stacy Garner

When I took over as President of the Suzuki Association of Utah (SAU) in June of 2016, I knew I had a big job ahead of me. Our chapter is large, both in terms of membership and geography. We are… Read more ▶

Suzuki Association of the Greater Washington Area

August 15, 2016 by Marissa Murphy

Greetings from Washington D.C.! The Suzuki Association of the Greater Washington Area (SAGWA) is proud to be the first SAA Chapter Affiliate. SAGWA has a strong and proud tradition of generous leadership in both the national and local Suzuki communities, and… Read more ▶

Suzuki Association of Colorado 1983  2016

April 15, 2016 by Carol Jilling

The Suzuki Association of Colorado (SAC) was organized in 1983 with James and Jacqueline Mauer and Carol Tarr at the helm. With teacher training seminars established initially in Denver, the SAC grew to represent teachers of all instruments and in… Read more ▶

Suzuki Association of Ontario

February 12, 2016 by Nena LaMarre

Has your state, province, or region considered creating a Chapter Affiliate? The definition of ‘affiliate’ is “a person or organization officially attached to a larger body”.   A Chapter Affiliate is a local Suzuki Association that has met the requirements to… Read more ▶

Suzuki Association of Georgia

January 18, 2016 by Rachael Fischer

The Suzuki Association of Georgia (SAGA) became a SAA Chapter Affiliate in January 2013, and we are pleased to note that we have over 80 members (teachers, families, and friends) in our organization. We’ve had a great year so far!… Read more ▶

Suzuki Association of Indiana

December 15, 2015 by Elizabeth Efroymson-Brooks

The Suzuki Association of Indiana (SAI) was formed several years ago by Jillian Chrisman, Dawn Evans, and myself for the purpose of making connections between the various Suzuki teachers in the state, both private studio and organized schools. The main… Read more ▶

Suzuki Association of Minnesota

November 17, 2015 by Sara Stephens Kotrba

My name is Sara Stephens Kotrba and I’m the current president of the Suzuki Association of Minnesota. We are delighted that the Suzuki Association of the Americas’ Conference will again be held in Minneapolis in May of 2016. We hope… Read more ▶

North Texas Suzuki Association

October 15, 2015 by Amy Tomlinson

The North Texas Suzuki Association, a SAA Chapter Affiliate, is going strong this year with 60 members! The area we serve is Waco, Texas through the Panhandle, though most of our events tend to take place in the Dallas/Fort Worth… Read more ▶

New Chapter Affiliate Suzuki Association of Georgia

February 1, 2010

The SAA is pleased that the Suzuki Association of Georgia (SAGa) has applied to become a Chapter Affiliate. There are three phases to the process: Application and document submission and approval Member notification of the surrounding geographic area Finalization of the Affiliation Agreement This… Read more ▶

Correction Suzuki Talent Education Association of Ontario New Chapter Affiliate

January 26, 2010

Due to some confusion caused by the notification of Chapter Affiliate Application sent last week, we would like to clarify that there was an error made in the name of the organization. The name should read Suzuki Talent Education Association… Read more ▶

New Chapter Affiliate Suzuki Talent Association of Ontario

January 22, 2010

The SAA is pleased that the Suzuki Talent Association of Ontario (STAO) has applied to become a Chapter Affiliate. There are three phases to the process: Application and document submission and approval Member notification of the surrounding geographic area Finalization of the Affiliation… Read more ▶

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