Suzuki News

Suzuki News 13 ASJ 374 Conference Master Class Clinicians Student Auditions Due Soon

September 25, 2009

In this issue: ASJ Issue 37.4 Creating Learning Community Award Nominations Winter Opportunities Studio Support Job Listings Conference: Master Class Clinicians Student Auditions: Most Due October 15 Session Proposals: Due October 15 Research Symposium: Call for Papers ASJ Issue 37.4The Summer 2009 American Suzuki Journal is now being mailed to current… Read more ▶

ASJ Volume 374

September 25, 2009

American Suzuki Journal volume 37.4 is now being mailed to current SAA members. Look for it in your mail soon! Features include: 2010 Conference Meet the Claremont Trio Top Ten Questions about the “Top Ten Tracks” at the 2010 SAA Conference Why Go to… Read more ▶

Studio Support

September 21, 2009

Many thanks to the following teachers who offered the American Suzuki Journal to their families through the SAA’s Studio Membership Program during this past year! Studio Memberships are a great way for families to support the SAA and receive the ASJ.… Read more ▶

Winter Opportunities

September 21, 2009

Summer is drawing to a close and institute season is past. It’s a good time to consider some other SAA opportunities: How about completing the SAA Certificate of Achievement Level 1 application? Or why not apply for an SAA Teacher Development Scholarship… Read more ▶

Latin America

September 21, 2009 by Caroline Fraser

cavelicaVIII Taller Nacional en Huancavelica Compilado por Caroline Fraser Asociación Suzuki del Perú VIII Taller Nacional en Huancavelica, Mayo 20-24, 2009. Traducido por Ximena Marky Todos los años, la Asociación Suzuki del Perú (ASP) organiza un taller fuera de la ciudad de Lima. El propósito… Read more ▶

Suzuki Method in Whitehorse Yukon A Special Challenge

September 21, 2009 by Daphne Hughes

Imagine yourself in a community of Suzuki families living in a small northern city, population about 30,000, a 16-hour drive from any other Suzuki program. There are about 34 violin students in the program, ranging from 4-year-old “Twinklers” to 17-year-old… Read more ▶

Longmont Suzuki Strings Play for Peace  Pennies for Peace

September 21, 2009 by Barbara Barber

For six weeks during the Spring of 2009, strings were tuned, pieces were polished and pennies were collected. 76 students prepared for Longmont Suzuki Strings’ first “Play For Peace” concert on Saturday, April 18. The students and faculty of violin,… Read more ▶

2010 Teacher Scholarship Application

September 1, 2009

The 2010 SAA Teacher Development Scholarship Application is now available. 2010 scholarships are for short-term, long-term, or apprenticeship teacher training between May 1, 2010 and May 31, 2011 and must be postmarked by February 15, 2010. Read more ▶

What does TEAMWORK mean to you

August 24, 2009

With the 2010 SAA Conference theme being TEAMWORK, we are interested in hearing what teamwork means to you. Please post in 35 words or less how you define teamwork. How does the concept of teamwork play out in your life… Read more ▶

Suzuki News 12 Conference Proposals Student Auditions

August 21, 2009

In this issue: What does TEAMWORK mean to you? 2009 Minijournal Certificate of Achievement Teacher Location Service Conference: What’s New and Special for 2010? Ten Questions about the Top Ten Tracks Student Audition Application Submit Your Conference Session Proposal Calling all Chamber Musicians! What does TEAMWORK mean to you? With the 2010… Read more ▶

Attention Teachers

August 17, 2009

Have you been a Suzuki Teacher and SAA Member for 3 or more years? Have you complete Units 1-4, ECC, and the Practicum or SPA? Then you may be ready to apply for the new SAA Certificate of Achievement! Check it out! See… Read more ▶

Teacher Location Service

August 17, 2009

Looking for more students? Now is the time to sign up for the online teacher location service. Listing in the Find a Teacher search on the SAA website is not automatic. (There are lots of members who don’t want to be… Read more ▶

2009 Minijournal

August 17, 2009

You can now purchase copies of the 2009 Minijournal for your students and parents who did not attend an institute this summer (or yourself!). Includes articles on Tone and Teamwork by teachers, and Suzuki-themed puzzles. Price: 50¢ Purchase 2009 Minijournal >> Read more ▶

Suzuki News 11 Online Renewals Summer Training Registrations Conference May 2731 2010

July 17, 2009

SAA Online Member Renewals Since we launched online membership renewals on June 9th, there have been more than 130 online renewals, including one Lifetime membership! You can renew your membership online at any time. 6 weeks before your membership expires you will… Read more ▶

Online Member Renewals

July 17, 2009

You can now renew your SAA membership online, instantly, at any time it is convenient for you. 6 weeks before your membership expires you will receive an email reminder. Since we launched online membership renewals on June 9th, there have been… Read more ▶

New Online Training Registration System

July 17, 2009

The teacher training course registration process has been moved online for Institutes this summer, and, if all goes well, will be implemented for all teacher training venues: workshops, apprenticeships, etc. What does this mean for teachers? Most of all: less paperwork to… Read more ▶

Sidewalk Serenade Great Lakes Suzuki Flute  Recorder Institute

July 15, 2009

Check out this great article about the Great Lakes Institute in Hamilton, Ontario: Soothing Sidewalk Serenade JEFF MAHONEY THE HAMILTON SPECTATOR Jul 14, 2009 For a magical hour every July, pedestrians and motorists along King Street West in Hamilton feel a breeze of flute, recorder… Read more ▶

NIOK Flute Quartet

July 10, 2009

Last February the NIOK Quartet, a flute quartet of the Suzuki studio of Sibylle Marquardt at the Royal Conservatory of Music in Toronto, won at the Kiwanis Music Festival of Greater Toronto and went on to perform at the provincial… Read more ▶

Suzuki News 10 Training Registration Online Renewals Minijournal Cover Contest

June 19, 2009

New Online Training Registration System The teacher training course registration process has been moved online for Institutes this summer, and, if all goes well, will be implemented for all teacher training venues: workshops, apprenticeships, etc. What does this mean for teachers? Most of… Read more ▶

ASJ Volume 373

June 16, 2009

American Suzuki Journal volume 37.3, with beautiful cover art by Lesley Steele, is now being mailed to current SAA members, along with the 2009 Membership Directory. Look for both in your mail soon! Features include: 2010 Conference Summer Suzuki Institutes: Planning for… Read more ▶

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