Thursday, January 7, 2010, Boulder, CO

Meeting was called to order at 4:13 p.m. by Teri Einfeldt, chair.

Teri assigned the following Board meeting jobs: Parking lot attendant (keeping track of jobs) Ellen Berry, Governance Monitor (the Carver Cop) Ruth Engle Larner and a Highlights recorder, Marilyn O’Boyle.

Motion #1 To accept the minutes as corrected.
Motion: Carol Ourada 2nd Marilyn Kesler motion carried

Motion #2 To reflect the content of discussion through motions and consensus statements.
Motion: Marilyn Kesler 2nd Marilyn O’Boyle motion carried

Motion #3 To approve the final draft of the minutes from this meeting electronically before the next meeting.
Motion: Marilyn O’Boyle 2nd Ruth Engle Larner motion carried

Motion #4 To delete Interboard Committee (currently 4.9.2) from the Policy manual.
Motion: Ruth Engle Larner 2nd Sue Baer motion carried

Motion #5 To designate Honorary Board Committee (currently 4.9.4) ad hoc.
Motion: Mark George 2nd Marilyn Kesler motion carried

Motion #6 To add Board Education Committee to Policy 4.9.
Motion: Marilyn Kesler 2nd Marilyn O’Boyle motion carried

Motion #7 To accept the revision of 2.5.6.
Motion: Marilyn Kesler 2nd Marilyn O’Boyle motion did not carry

Motion #8 To adopt revised wording for Policy 4.3.3 to read, “The Board will facilitate understanding of the vision and work of the SAA.”
Motion: Mark George 2nd Carol Oureda motion carried

Motion #9 To add 4.7.8 to read “Public Relations – Seek opportunities to promote understanding of the vision and work of the SAA.”
Motion: Ruth Engle Larner 2nd Marilyn Kesler motion carried

A discussion was led by Mark George, chair of the Nominations Committee. The committee contacted several individuals regarding board service. Dan Browning, a potential board candidate, was invited to attend this board meeting as an observer, to become familiar with the SAA Board, as he is not an SAA member yet.

A discussion regarding the organization of Board policies followed, with a focus on Policy 4.7.

Teri Einfeldt, chair, dismissed the meeting at 7:07 p.m.

Friday morning, January 8, 2010

Teri called the meeting to order at 9:20 a.m.

Pam gave an overview of the structure and responsibilities of the International Suzuki Association and the SAA’s responsibilities as a region of the ISA. She introduced the topic of SAA’s role in guiding the development of the Suzuki method in Latin America. Marilyn O’Boyle, long-time member of the Latin American Liaison Committee, then provided an overview of Latin American programs and the need for enhancing mutual understanding of developing needs and expectations.

Consensus statement: The Board dedicated itself to continuous learning about the activities and
challenges in Suzuki Education in all of the Americas.

Motion #10 To accept the revised and extended working of Policy 2.5 (Asset Protection), to read, “#7. Fail to protect intellectual property, information and files from loss, significant damage or disposal in accordance with IRS recommended standards (IRS Code Section 6001)”, “#8. Fail to protect the Association’s history and intellectual property and where possible those of the Suzuki movement at large” and “#9. Fail to comply with the terms of the ISA Name Agreement”.
Motion: Mark George 2nd Marilyn O’Boyle motion carried

Motion #11 To accept revised and extended wording of Policy 4.1 (Philosophical Foundations), to read, “4.1 The operational approach of the SAA is based upon a cherished philosophical foundation. 4.1.1 The SAA recognizes and celebrates its membership in the wider international Suzuki Education community as united through the International Suzuki Association (ISA). The right of all regional affiliates (including SAA) to use the name “Suzuki” is granted by the ISA”.
Motion: Ruth Engle Larner 2nd Ellen Berry motion carried

Lunch break.

Motion #12 To acknowledge that we received the Monitoring Reports.
Motion: Sue Baer 2nd Mark George motion carried

Discussion of monitoring reports followed.

Consensus statement: We reviewed the audit and commended the CEO for excellent financial management.

Consensus statement: The Board expressed their appreciation for the excellent work of the CD committee, Paul Salerni, chair.

Motion #13 To delete 1.2.2 and 1.2.3 to be replaced by the new wording of the Ends Policy (1.2.2) to read, “The availability of teacher training meets the every-increasing demand for Suzuki Education.”
Motion: Ruth Engle Larner 2nd Marilyn Kesler motion carried

Volunteer hat topics

Carol Ourada, chair of the Creating Learning Community Award Committee reported on upcoming awards.

There was a discussion of the Focus Groups from last summer’s institutes.

There also was a discussion of the Board’s role at the conference.

Consensus statement: The board agreed to sponsor an auction and/or raffle in conjunction with the upcoming conference. The chair charged the each Board member to secure 2 raffle prizes, valued $50 and higher.

Teri Einfeldt, chair, dismissed the meeting at 6:00 p.m.

Saturday morning, January 9, 2010

Teri Einfeldt, chair, called the meeting to order at 8:59 a.m.

Report from Education committee (Ellen, Betsy, Pam) regarding Policy 4.9.6

Motion #14 To accept the new (#5) Board Education Policy 4.9 to read, “#5. Board Education Committee A. Product: a well oriented board, educated in governance and other areas of leadership. B. Authority: to incur costs of no more than $4,000 in direct charges and no more than four (4) hours of staff time”.
Motion: Marilyn O’Boyle 2nd Sue Baer motion carried

Planning for the AGM (Annual General Meeting) in May: Ellen, Carol, Teri, Mark will be on ad hoc committee to plan the AGM. The following are suggested items to be included in the AGM:

  • Saying Goodbye to old Board Members, welcoming the new ones
  • Certificate Program
  • Map of the Institutes
  • Acknowledging the Chapter Organizations
  • Promoting SPA Website, including Member page, “Ask the Experts”

Teri requested board endorsement for using the guidelines for Teacher Trainers, which were removed from Ends Policy 1.0 in Motion #13, as a basis for a Teacher Trainer Code of Ethics.

Consensus statement: The Board endorsed using the guidelines for Teacher Trainers, which were removed from Ends Policy 1.0 in Motion #13, as a basis for a Teacher Trainer Code of Ethics to be discussed by the Teacher Development Committee.

Motion #15 For the Board to approve a slate of Nominees electronically, no later than March 1st, 2010.
Motion: Mark George 2nd Marilyn Kesler motion carried

Pam provided an update on the Annual Fund and CD incentive gift.

The possibility of moving the January meeting date to avoid conflicts was discussed and tabled for further consideration later.

Break for lunch at 11:40 a.m.

We were treated to a lovely performance by two of Ruth’s violin students, Sofya Norman and Chris Hutton, at a nearby piano store.

Suggestion regarding the John Kendall Fund might be a scholarship for a long term program.

Carol presented an update from the CLC committee.

Motion #16 To continue with the monitoring positions of Parking lot attendant (keeping track of jobs) Governance Monitor (the Carver Cop) and a Highlights recorder.
Motion: Ruth Engle Larner 2nd Carol Ourada motion carried

Consensus statement: The Board thanked Ruth for arranging for her students to perform, and for the opportunity to speak with the students and their parents.

The Board discussed opportunities for including younger members in leadership roles. The possibility of establishing a task force of young teachers with specific assignments was discussed. No decisions were made.

Teri Einfeldt, chair, dismissed the meeting at 4:09 p.m.