Mrs. Mayara Piovezan Paraiso

Bass Teacher

Mayara Piovezan Paraiso


São Paulo, SP, Brazil
+55 (11) 98410-6366
[javascript protected email address]

Mayara Vieira Piovezan Machado Paraíso Delgado, Brazilian, born and raised in São Paulo/SP, 31 years old.

When she was 7 she started her musical initiation with the block flute and percussion but only started her formal musical education at social project called “Projeto Guri”, in 2004 when she finally decided to go on with the doublebass as her main musical instrument.

She also started her electric bass studies at 14, when she was taught accompaniment,    improvisation, theory and musical styles during approximately 5 years by Celso Pixinga.

After she spend some time at the Young Orchestra from “Escola Municipal de Iniciação Artística de São Paulo—EMIA” (Municipal School of Artistic Initiation), she was admitted to the doublebass class at the São Paulo Music School where she could not only deepen her doublebass technic but also in other musical fields as orchestra, piano, jazz and improvisation.

In 2011 she got admitted in 4th pace to the State University of São Paulo (UNESP) for the doublebass bachelor where she could develop some academic work by participating at the PIBIC—Speeches on Musical Education at the University.

She was member of São Paulo Chamber Orchestra, UNESP’s Academic Orchestra, São Caetano do Sul’s Philharmonic Orchestra, Barueri Symphonic Orchestra, UNESP’s Doublebass Quartet, Maestro Aprendiz Orchestra among other classical music groups. At the same time she continued her work with pop music playing at Canella Big Band and accompanying the singer Mauricio Mattar, among others. 

Her bachelor dissertation done in 2015 was entitled “Improvisation in Classical Music” by her belief that both, classical music and pop music, should walk side by side as a way of development to all musicians. The work approaches subjects as cadenzas and the history of musical notation.

In 2017 she took the suzuki philosophy course with the professor Shinobu Saito in São Paulo, Brazil and loved that way of teaching music!

From 2017 she started a project called “Casal do Baixo” (Contrabass’s Couple) with her husband who is also contrabassist in which they mix doublebass, electric bass, percussion, their own compositions, classical and pop music. This project’s debut was at SESC Belenzinho by Celso Pixinga’s invitation. Still in 2017 they went to the International Contrabass Festival in São Luís/MA.

Currently Mayara teaches doublebass at Suzuki Music School of São Paulo, Soarte’s Social, Cultural and Educational project placed on “Espaço Musical Elizeu Cremm” in São Paulo where she also manages the Children’s Musical Theory course and she also plays at Soarte’s Educational Orchestra’s as solo doublebass and directs the “Baixo em Quartas’ contrabass chamber music group. Mayara is also responsible for the making of Big Band Soarte and Camerata Soarte, also developed at the same project. In 2018 she has created the “Roda de Conversa Sobre Vestibular Soarte”, a series of lectures where the students who has interest on follow the musical education and career are able to talk to a number of professional musicians and teachers in order to obtain as much information as possible about the musician profession.