Studio of Rita Hauck

Piano Unit 4
Apr 1014, 2014 in Ft. Worth, TX
at Studio of Rita Hauck


Piano Unit 4

Instructor: Rita Hauck

Prerequisite course:

Piano Unit 3

Audition: Piano Basic, or Piano Comprehensive.

Deadline: All audition materials must be submitted by March 27 *

Signup closed.

Trainer Information

Rita Hauck

Rita Hauck has been a piano teacher since 1959 and a Suzuki piano teacher since 1974. She and her husband, Dr. Robert Hauck, met Dr. Suzuki in 1966. Mrs. Hauck has a BM in performance, a BME in vocal and instrumental music K-12, an MM in performance, and two years of doctoral work in keyboard studies. From 1976-1981, she foumded a Suzuki school of 350 students, trained 24 teachers, and taught at Oklahoma Wesleyan University. From 1981-2011, Mrs. Hauck maintained a Suzuki piano studio of 40+ students in Cincinnati, Ohio. She has trained Suzuki piano teachers in the US and around the world since 1976, has been a guest clinician at Suzuki Workshops/Institutes in 47 states, including Hawaii, Alaska, Canada, Bermuda, New Zealand, Israel, Italy, and Australia. Mrs. Hauck now lives in Ft Worth, Texas where she teaches Suzuki Piano/Organ in her studio there.


Thursday, April 10 to Monday, April 14, , 2014


Studio of Rita Hauck

5117 Dewdrop Lane
Ft. Worth TX 76123

The SAA sets guidelines for Suzuki institutes, festivals and teacher workshops and sanctions separate organizations to manage such events. For specific information on schedules, enrollment, pricing, housing, etc. please contact sponsoring organizations directly. Please see the Event Listing Guide regarding the posting of events.