Chargement Évènements

" Tous les Évènements

Violon Unité 4

avril 4 - 13 avril


This in person course will be held in Sharon Miller’s studio on the Eastern Mennonite University campus in Harrisonburg, VA. Observations may be done via video or in person.

The course will cover the repertoire of Book 4 and related topics such as scales, etudes (Doflein Method Vol. 3), supplemental repertoire, transfer students and orchestra participation

Take a ticket below and follow the instructions to make payment here. You will receive an automatic confirmation email when you have successfully enrolled. Please contact if you have questions about your training history or if you have any trouble.


Début :
avril 4
Fin :
13 avril
Prix :
Catégorie d’Évènement:


Studio de Sharon Miller


Sharon Miller
1191 Park Road
Harrisonburg, VA 22802
+ Google Map

Informations supplémentaires sur la programmation

This Violin Unit 4 course will be held in person on the campus of Eastern Mennonite University in Harrisonburg, VA on the following dates:

April 4 & 5

April 12 & 13

Exact meeting times will be determined by the trainer and participants by March 22.
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