Since 1977, the Amarillo College Suzuki Program has offered highly qualified and trained Suzuki instructors to support and train growing talent in all students. Weekly private and group instruction, monthly Play-ins, solo recitals and the annual group recital are all components of this complete Suzuki experience.
Founded by Suzanne Grooms and Helen Gerald over 40 years ago, the AC Suzuki Program owes its tradition of excellence to these women, who led and taught in the program throughout their lives, and to Beverly de la Bretonne, whose 30+ years as program director continues to set a high standard. Four of our current teaching staff are themselves alumnae of the AC Suzuki Program, and approximately 10 percent of current enrollment are children of alumnae.
What started with two teachers and a few dozen very young violin students has grown to a multitude of violin, viola, cello, flute, recorder and guitar students, aged 3-17, with well-trained Suzuki private lesson teachers and additional supplemental weekly group teachers. Weekly orchestras and ensembles, pre-school Orff classes, monthly Play-ins, solo & group recitals, and a strong commitment to community enrichment are the foundation of the Amarillo College Suzuki Program.
Amarillo College Music Department
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