Membership Fees Update

The Suzuki Association of the Americas is proud to offer members:  The SAA Board of Directors recently approved an update to membership fees and new membership categories, effective August 1, 2024. If you’d like to learn more about why this decision was made, please view this link. New Membership Categories:  Rate for members who are new to the…

New SAA Partnership!

The Suzuki Association of the Americas (SAA) is proud to announce a new partnership with: Alfred Music, Fons, and MakeMusic Cloud.  This collaboration brings forth exclusive membership-only offers designed to meet all your studio needs, including access to discounted core learning materials, flexible studio management software, and an interactive learning platform supporting the Suzuki core curriculum. Stay tuned for more details on…

Nueva publicación en el archivo en línea de la AIS

Recuerdos de Matsumoto de Graduados y Pioneros Suzuki La ISA encargó a Amanda Schubert, Graduada en Violín TERI y Formadora de Profesores SAA, la enorme tarea de recopilar y crear un archivo permanente de recuerdos escritos y fotos de profesores Suzuki de todo el mundo que tuvieron la suerte de asistir y graduarse en el entonces llamado Instituto de Educación de Talentos (ahora conocido como...

60th Anniversary of Dr. Suzuki’s First Japanese Tour Group

60 aniversario de la primera gira japonesa del Dr. Suzuki

A todos los miembros de la SAA. La primavera de 2025 marca el 60º aniversario del primer Grupo de Gira Japonés que el Dr. Suzuki llevó a los Estados Unidos. La ISA está celebrando ese aniversario con el lanzamiento de un proyecto para recopilar cualquier/todos los documentos, programas, fotos, video, película, etc. de ese primer Grupo de Gira que aún pueda existir con maestros o...


Save the date for our 2025 Leadership Summit!

If you missed this year’s conference, but want to catch our next event, then be sure to save the date for our SAA Leadership Summit! For the first time since 2019, the SAA will host its biennial Leadership event! Save the dates below, and we’ll see you there! Thursday, March 20—Saturday, March 22, 2025 at the…


Want to support our next event?

Are you interested in shaping our future events? We’re eager to hear from you! We are interested in gathering diverse perspectives from within our membership to guide the SAA’s events, ensure an excellent experience for our members, and support the SAA team. Committee members advise the SAA’s staff on the shape of the event, and…