Minijournal 2004

Cover picture by Jion Kim

Published June 2004

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Minijournal 2004

The Abilitiy to Feel Another Persons Heart

The Abilitiy to Feel Another Person’s Heart

Road to Lisdoonvarna

Road to Lisdoonvarna

Daily Chore or Joy Why Listen

Our lives are all so busy so it is easy fall prey to the temptation of skipping daily listening or daily practice or both. So think of what happens when we skip? Why do we need to be faithful to… Read more ▶

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Minijournal 2004, page 5

The Parent as Mentor

The Suzuki parent is a powerful mentor. Well, that’s a rather obvious fact, but perhaps one worth pondering for a moment. Our actions often reach farther than we realize. First of all, the parent is a mentor to his/her child. As… Read more ▶

Minijournal 2004, page 5

The Case of the Missing Violin

The Case of the Missing Violin