Members based in Canada who join the SAA & Suzuki Music/Musique Canada can get both memberships at one time!
To be eligible for this dual membership at $150 CAD, members must be based in Canada.
For Dual Active Membership:
- Login!
- Click on the link below, which will take you to the Active Member page.
- Go through the form, and fill out the information appropriate for you.
- In the Edit your Billing Address section, be sure that the country is set to Canada. When you do this, you’ll see that the SMMC & SAA Dual membership is available below
- Finish payment information, hit submit & check out!
Please note: Dual Membership is $150 CAD, however, some banks may charge an additional fee. Please be sure to check with your bank about this.
For Associate or Student Dual Membership:
Please email us at info@suzukiassociation.org for activating dual membership
Interested in membership to SMMC, but living outside of Canada? Write to suzukimusiccanada@gmail.com!