Suzuki in the Schools Level 1
21 de julho - 25 de julho
$635.00The Suzuki in the Schools Course Level II presents strategies for incorporating Suzuki philosophy and methodology in the intermediate stages of instruction in a string class setting. Core Suzuki pieces and supplementary repertoire that supports intermediate levels of study will be presented and discussed. The course continues development of key strands of learning such as group instruction, aural skills, literacy and ensemble skills. Choosing repertoire to both engage students and develop technical and musical skills as one of the most vital components of a well-designed curriculum will also be addressed. This course will additionally present strategies for the foundational development of shifting, string crossings, sight-reading skills, minor tonality and advanced finger patterns, vibrato, rhythmic sensibility, and advanced bow strokes in a heterogeneous setting. Participants will acquire a basic understanding of fundamental principles of learning, and practice creating successful learning experiences that effectively change student thinking and behavior. The technical aspects of the curriculum are focused on violin, viola, cello and bass, however transfer of learning principles and adaptation of materials can be applicable to any instrument. Additional course activities and topics will include discussion of ways to describe end goals and design representations of progress, vertical programming, age-appropriate parent involvement and successful approaches for using peer feedback and self-assessment.
Online. Prequisites: ECC, audition, and Unit 1
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