Violin Units 9-10
Join us for this wonderful Mozart Course. Both Concerto #4 and #5 will be studied. Classes will take place on Fridays 9/13, 9/20, 9/27, 10/4 and 10/11 from 10 -...
Join us for this wonderful Mozart Course. Both Concerto #4 and #5 will be studied. Classes will take place on Fridays 9/13, 9/20, 9/27, 10/4 and 10/11 from 10 -...
You must be logged in to your SAA account and have Active Membership to join the course roster. Scroll down to the bottom of this page to the enrollment box,...
Cost: $360 or less Pay is Zelle directly to James Hutchins If the numbers go beyond 5, the cost of the course drops and the difference will be refunded the...
8:30am-11:30am Central on April 13, 20, 27, May 4 Join the roster below, then contact Shu-Yi Scott for payment details. To enroll, you must be logged in with an Active Membership....
Class from 9 to 12 Chicago Time in May (29, 30, 31) for Book 9. Class from 1 to 4 in June (29, 30 7/1) for Book 10. Review of...
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