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Piano Practicum

July 7 - July 11


In person.

Monday, July 7

4:30-8pm Piano Practicum

Tuesday, July 8

1:30-3:30pm Masterclasses (included in Practicum)
3:30-4pm Masterclass Discussion (included Practicum)

4:30-8pm Piano Practicum

Wednesday & Thursday, July 9-10

1:30-3:30pm Masterclasses (included in Practicum)
3:30-4pm Masterclass Discussion (included in Practicum)

4:30-8pm Practicum

Friday, July 11

1:30-3:30pm Masterclasses (included in Practicum)
3:30-4pm Masterclass Discussion (included in Practicum)

4:30-6pm Practicum

Taught by Caroline Fraser, Piano Practicum offers a smaller class size (limit 5) and is very much focused on discussing the individual strengths and areas for growth of the teachers taking the course. Each teacher should come prepared with two 30 minute lessons (or lesson segments)- most likely recorded from your home studio (unless you are local and want to bring a student in to teach in person). All participating teachers watch the videos together, and each teaching sample is followed by a discussion led by Caroline. This is a unique course that not only offers individual attention and tailored ideas for improving your own teaching, but also many opportunities to learn from the teaching and feedback for the other teacher participants (usually a mix of more and less experienced teachers). Observation of Masterclasses taught by Caroline Fraser and Hillary Nordwell is included in the course.

Impartido por Caroline Fraser

Piano Practicum (con límite de solo 5 participantes) está enfocado en discutir las fortalezas individuales y las áreas de crecimiento de los maestros que toman el curso. Cada maestro debe venir preparado con dos clases de 30 minutos (o segmento de clase) grabadas desde su estudio o escuela donde trabajan como profesor Suzuki (si se es residente local, se puede traer a un estudiante en vivo). Todos los maestros participantes mirarán las clases que serán seguidas por una discusión dirigida por Caroline. Este es un curso único que no solo ofrece atención individual e ideas personalizadas para mejorar su propia enseñanza, sino también oportunidades para aprender de la enseñanza y retroalimentación de los demás profesores participantes (generalmente una combinación de docentes con poca y mucha experiencia). Además, habrá horas de observación de clases maestras, donde se invitará a los participantes a observar y discutir los estilos de enseñanza de una variedad de profesores de todo el mundo.

Audition is required, as well as the Every Child Can! and Piano Unit 1 course, prior to participating in the Piano Practicum.

Latin American participants receive a 50% discount on the cost of the course. To receive the discount, please register through the Suzuki Circle website.

College Students and Recent Graduates (within the past 3 years) receive a 25% scholarship toward the cost of attending Suzuki Circle. Please pay in full, then write to Hillary Nordwell (hillary.nordwell@gmail.com) with your mailing address and the name of the institution you are studying at (or graduated from) to receive a guaranteed 25% scholarship from the Suzuki Association of Washington State.

ECC or Filosofia

Active Membership (check yours here)
Basic, Intermediate, or Comprehensive audition
Unit 1

You must be logged in to your SAA account and have Active Membership to join the course roster.  

Scroll down to the bottom of this page to the enrollment box, click “+1”, then click “get tickets”. Follow the process to enroll  and enter your payment information.   

You will receive an email confirmation after signing up.  

If you see a message that says “You do not meet the prerequisites for this event”, please verify that all prerequisites are on your training profile. If something is missing, or if you have any other trouble with enrollment, please write to info@suzukiassociation.org and explain the problem. 


July 7
July 11
Event Categories:


Seattle Suzuki Circle Institute
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