Every Child Can! (ECC!) is an introduction to Dr. Suzuki’s philosophy and its application to Suzuki education. For parents, teachers, prospective teachers, and others in North America, this course provides an inspiring, in-depth look at the Suzuki approach to teaching and learning. In Latin America, Filosofía is the introductory course.
In addition to exploring the elements of the Suzuki approach and its far-reaching goals, it includes an introduction to learning styles, history of the development of Suzuki education, the role of parents, the importance of Suzuki pedagogical training, and an overview of the SAA’s role in supporting teachers and parents. A fast-paced, engaging and inspiring program, ECC! includes video materials and SAA-developed courseware and provides each participant with useful reference materials (manuals) for later study. For teachers, ECC! serves as the first course in the Suzuki Association of the Americas’ Teacher Development Program.
If you’re interested in hosting an Every Child Can! course, and you are not an established course host, please contact info@suzukiassociation.org.
Basic Set-Up
Course Presentation
Every Child Can! is a 6-8 hour course. Read more here about ECC delivery options.
The course is required for all new Suzuki teachers and open to all with no SAA membership required. Prospective teachers, parents, administrators, and all interested in learning about Suzuki approach to education are welcome to take the course. Experienced Suzuki teachers are also encouraged to participate for renewed inspiration or review. It is not instrument-specific.
ECC! can be offered at an institute, at a workshop, events, or offered as a free-standing course. It may be presented at any time during the year and can be sponsored by an institute, workshop, school, university, program, chapter affiliate, or by the SAA.
Course Facilitator
Only SAA-registered Teacher Trainers may teach the course. The Teacher Trainer must also have a current ECC! license in order to teach the course and use the ECC! materials. All SAA-registered Teacher Trainers who wish to teach the course may be licensed to use the materials.
Class Size
The maximum number of participants for online ECC! courses is fifteen and a minimum of two.
The maximum number of participants for in-person ECC! courses is thirty and a minimum of two.
Qualifications to take ECC!
Participants must be at least 18 years old and have graduated from high school. There is no audition or membership requirement. There is no auditor status for this course.
Tuition for the course will vary, depending upon the sponsor’s specific costs—trainer’s fees and expenses, venue rental, other overhead costs, anticipated enrollment, etc. Visit this page for current SAA fees.
Course Approval
Submit your event request at least six weeks before the course start date. When approved, the course will be visible on the SAA Events list. If you request a private event, it will not be shown on the SAA Events list. Note that events scheduled June – August are subject to Institute Guidelines.
Additional Details on Offering the Course
Marketing the Course
Use the course name (Every Child Can! An Introduction to Suzuki Education) on promotional and registration materials and the Association’s name (Suzuki Association of the Americas). The use of the copyrighted ECC logo is recommended on promotional and registration materials.
ECC Course Roster
Both the Teacher Trainer and the sponsor (if different) have access to the course roster on the respective Instructor Landing Page and Sponsor Landing Page. Please check the roster before the course start date. The roster includes email addresses to facilitate communication between the Teacher Trainer and participants.
Obtaining Materials and Payment
For online courses, materials will be sent electronically to each participant. While SAA is transitioning to and improving the new website, the Teacher Trainer may need to email a copy of the materials to course participants.
For in-person courses, the Teacher Trainer or course sponsor (if different) can request hard copies of the book using this form.
Course Wrap-Up
When the course is done, the Teacher Trainer or course sponsor goes to the roster and clicks on the “mark completed?” link for each person listed. This is how course participants receive the course credential on their training profile. 100% attendance is required.
Additional Notes on Teacher Participation
SAA strongly encourages trainees to participate in ECC! well in advance of when they take Unit 1. This allows time to read the ECC Appendix material, thoughtfully consider the ideas presented in the course, complete the video audition process for Book 1, and enroll in Book 1 a few weeks (or further) in advance of the course start date.
In the USA and Canada, participants who have completed ECC! may begin Unit 1 training.
In Latin America, the prerequisite for Unit 1 training is the Filosofía course.