Ready for a more in-depth Suzuki learning experience? If you’ve taken our Every Child Can! course, and are ready for Unit courses, the next step is to submit an audition. Unit courses are instrument-specific and give direct tools for supporting students. In addition to becoming eligible for Unit courses, which require auditions, passing an audition will allow you to take a wide variety of other courses available to SAA members.
The SAA team is here to support you as you prepare for the audition process – we want everyone to have a successful experience! We require auditions because we believe great musicianship is part of great music education. Read through the audition process & requirements below carefully, and reach out to us at if you have any questions. Please read the audition requirements carefully, and note that auditions are different for every instrument. You can reach out the the SAA Team, members of the Suzuki Training Committee, as well as your Teacher Trainer or course hosts for support in this process.
Please be aware that in Central and South America, audition rules may be different based on the event or course you are attending. Some events require that you pass auditions prior to the event, while others may require you to pass an audition at the end of the course. Check with your course host for details.
Audition Fees & Timeline
Audition Fee: $65, North America | $25, Central & South America
Submission Deadline: Submit your audition at least two (2) weeks prior to the course you plan to take. If you do not pass your audition in time for your course, you may not be eligible to register the course. You can resubmit an audition video based on our feedback.
Audition Levels: You can submit any audition at one of the levels listed below:
- A Basic audition is the prerequisite for Units 1-4
- An Intermediate is the prerequisite for Units 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 (depending on your instrument – see details at the Audition Repertoire link below)
- A Comprehensive audition allows you to take all courses.
Repertoire: Read through the audition repertoire list here.
Accommodations: Our goal is to make the audition process supportive and inclusive while determining eligibility for course participation. We understand that as busy students, musicians, and artists, you may have other repertoire prepared. If you need accommodations or would like to request approval to submit an alternative piece for the Comprehensive Audition, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at
Audition Submission Checklist
How to submit your video audition
After reviewing your video, upload it to Youtube, Dropbox, or Google drive. Be sure the video is set to allow anyone with the link to view it. Put the link to your video/s in the audition form, available from the audition repertoire page.
Evaluation Criteria & Process
Areas that will be evaluated in your audition include:
- Physical balance, ease of movement
- Tone production, note accuracy, rhythmic accuracy, and intonation
- Maintaining a steady pulse and playing with appropriate tempo
- Dynamic variation
- Appropriate and consistent articulation
- Creation of motion in melodic line and phrase shaping and consistency with stylistic conventions
Individuals who are submitting audition material above the Basic Audition level should be aware that higher expectations of quality and preparation are expected with each successive audition level.
Auditions are reviewed by a panel of musicians outside of the SAA.