Latin America

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Noticias de Amrica LatinaNoticias de enero de 2022

January 11, 2022

Todos quienes conformamos el Comité de Asociaciones Suzuki de América Latina hacemos extensivo nuestro saludo cariñoso a toda la comunidad, con todos los mejores deseos para este nuevo año; asimismo compartimos algunas novedades acerca de actividades importantes que se están… Read more ▶

Notcias da Amrica LatinaNotcias de janeiro de 2022

January 11, 2022

Os integrantes do Comitê de Associações Suzuki da América Latina oferecem a mais cordial saudação a toda comunidade Suzuki, com os melhores desejos para este ano novo. Aproveitamos o momento também para compartilhar novidades sobre as atividades que estão sendo… Read more ▶

Latin America NewsJanuary 2022 News

January 11, 2022

The members of the Latin American Suzuki Associations Committee offer a cordial greeting to all Suzuki communities, as our best wishes for this new year. We also take this moment to share news about the activities that have been carried… Read more ▶
Translations: English | Español | Português

Latin America NewsDecember 2021 News

December 15, 2021

The Latin America Suzuki Associations Committee informs that on November 19th it met with teachers Andrea Espinzo, teacher trainer from Argentina, and Lidia Blanca, representative and teacher Suzuki from Costa Rica. Both shared their experiences in leading the process of… Read more ▶
Translations: English | Español | Português

Noticias de Amrica Latina  Noticias de octubre de 2021

October 26, 2021

El Comité de Asociaciones Suzuki de América Latina informa que el día viernes 17 de septiembre mantuvo una importante reunión con Tamara González y Daniel de Lima, representantes elegidos para el Board de la Asociación Suzuki de las Américas. En… Read more ▶

Latin America News  October 2021 News

October 26, 2021

The Latin American Suzuki Association Committee reports its important meeting held on September 17th, with Tamara González and Daniel de Lima, elected representatives to the Board of the Suzuki Association of the Americas. The Committee had the opportunity to share… Read more ▶
Translations: English | Español | Português

Contacts for Latin American and Caribbean Countries

April 20, 2021

Contacts for Latin American and Caribbean Countries Read more ▶

Reflections on the Advancement of the Suzuki Method in Santiago de CubaHow the dream of two violin teachers became reality

December 19, 2018 by Cecilia Dayana Rosales Prieto

Santiago de Cuba is a city known for its rich history and its distinctive cultural influence. Located in southeast Cuba, with more than five centuries since its founding, this eclectic city is known as the “capital of the Caribbean.”
A musical… Read more ▶

Reflexiones sobre el desarrollo del Mtodo de Suzuki en Santiago de Cuba Decmo el sueo de dos maestras de violn se convirti en realidad

December 19, 2018 by Cecilia Dayana Rosales Prieto

Santiago de Cuba es una ciudad conocida por su rica historia y sus influencias culturales distintivas. Ubicada al suroriente de Cuba, la Capital del Caribe como también se le conoce, es una urbe ecléctica, con más de cinco siglos de… Read more ▶

Noticias de la comunidad Suzuki en Puerto Rico y del Taller 2018 de la Asociacin Suzuki de Violin de Puerto Rico

March 9, 2018 by Marta Hernandez, Irene Mitchell

Desde el mes de Septiembre de 2107 varios miembros de la SAA han estado en contacto con los maestros Suzuki de Puerto Rico prestando apoyo tanto moral como económico desde que los  huracanes Irma y María y devastaran la isla.… Read more ▶

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Becas / Scholarships

Becas para estudiar en América latina

Scholarships for study in Latin America


Nurtured By Love en español

Nurtured By Love by Shinichi Suzuki is now available in a Spanish translation.

Una traducción del libro Hacia la música por amor (Nurtured By Love) por Shinichi Suzuki ya es disponible.

Suzuki Twinkler en español

Spanish translation of the Suzuki Twinkler

Traducción del Suzuki Twinkler

Enlaces / Links

Asociación Suzuki de Buenos Aires

Asociación Suzuki de Colombia

Asociación Suzuki de México

Asociación Suzuki del Perú

Latin American Advisory Committee

Miguel Angel Aguirre Medrano

Miguel Angel Aguirre Medrano, Piano

Monterrey, NL, Mexico
[javascript protected email address]

Flor de Maria Canelo

Flor de Maria Canelo, Piano

Miraflores Lima 150, Peru
Phone: +51 98 8991104
[javascript protected email address]

Diana Chagalj

Diana Chagalj, Guitar

City Bell (La Plata), B, Argentina
[javascript protected email address]

Fabio Dos Santos

Fabio Dos Santos, Violin

Campinas, SP, Brazil
[javascript protected email address]

Andrea Espinzo

Andrea Espinzo, Cello

Buenos Aires, C, Argentina
[javascript protected email address]

Caroline Fraser

Caroline Fraser, Piano

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Eduardo Luduena

Eduardo Luduena, Violin

Buenos Aires C, Argentina
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Blancamaria Montecinos

Blancamaria, Piano

Newton, MA, MA
Phone: 857-891-1436
[javascript protected email address]

Joaquin Olivares

Joaquin Olivares, Guitar

México, DF, Mexico
[javascript protected email address]

Patricia Pasmanter

Patricia Pasmanter, Cello

Lomas de Chapultepec VIII, DF, Mexico
[javascript protected email address]

Renata Pereira

Renata Pereira, Recorder

São Caetano Do Sul SP, SP, Brazil
[javascript protected email address]

Shinobu Saito

Shinobu Saito, Violin

Morungaba, SP, Brazil
[javascript protected email address]