Office Hours with Karyn: Online (3 pm Central time)

Office Hours are an opportunity to share your opinions and give input to a member of our Suzuki Training Committee (STC). This session is hosted by Karyn Grove-Bruce. Take a ticket below, then enter your name and email on the next page. You'll receive a confirmation email with the Zoom link (it will be listed...


Piano Unit 2

See course organizer for venue details , United States

This course will meet on 6 Mondays from 10 am to 1:15 pm Eastern from Oct 21 to Nov. 25. Note: class meets on 11/11 Veteran's Day. Deadline to register is Oct 15. Early Bird discount before 10/7 deduct $30. Late fee applies after 10/15 and only if space permitting. Book 2 must be memorized,...

Get Tickets $550.00 – $615.00

Office Hours with Charles: ECC/Filosofia (11 am Central time)

Office Hours are an opportunity to share your opinions and give input to a member of our Suzuki Training Committee (STC). This session is hosted by Charles Krigbaum. Take a ticket below, then enter your name and email on the next page. You'll receive a confirmation email with the Zoom link (it will be listed...


Office Hours with Kathleen: ECC/Filosofia (11 am Central time)

Office Hours are an opportunity to share your opinions and give input to a member of our Suzuki Training Committee (STC). This session is hosted by Kathleen Schoen. Take a ticket below, then enter your name and email on the next page. You'll receive a confirmation email with the Zoom link (it will be listed...


Office Hours with Mary Kay: Evaluation (12 pm Central time)

Office Hours are an opportunity to share your opinions and give input to a member of our Suzuki Training Committee (STC). This session is hosted by Mary Kay Waddington.z Please bring any questions you may have about the new Strategies course, content, specific requirements, where it fits into the Unit system, etc. Our main focus will be...


Vibrato from Book 1 through 8

Suzuki Music Academy of Michigan 411 W. 13 Mile Rd, Madison Heights, MI

This enrichment course will last 15 hours in order to adequately cover the process of teaching vibrato from Book 1 through 8. I will bring in students to demonstrate the techniques as well as show videos of lessons. Teachers are also encouraged to submit videos of them teaching vibrato to their student for us to...

Violin Unit 7

Fridays 10:30 - 1:30 Central time Oct 25, Nov 1, 8,15, 22 Tuition: $500 Take a ticket below to join the SAA roster, then complete enrollment and payment with Education for Happiness. A Violin Intermediate or Comprehensive Audition is required in order to enroll in this course, plus completion through Violin Unit 3.

Office Hours with Judy: Auditions (1 pm Central time)

Office Hours are an opportunity to share your opinions and give input to a member of our Suzuki Training Committee (STC). This session is hosted by Judy Bossuat-Gallic. Take a ticket below, then enter your name and email on the next page. You'll receive a confirmation email with the Zoom link (it will be listed...


Introducción a la Filosofía y Metodología Suzuki

Centro de formación artística Complejo Cultural Universitario (CCU). Cúmulo de Virgo 34, Reserva Territorial Atlixcáyotl, Puebla, Puebla

Dirigido a: Músicos, profesores y estudiantes de música, padres de familia, educadores y público en general mayores de 18 años, interesados en empezar su capacitación como profesores Suzuki. Los participantes tendrán un amplio panorama de los puntos esenciales del método de la lengua materna y comprenderán sus alcances en la enseñanza musical.

Flauta Libro 3 y Estrategias de la enseñanza

Facultad de Artes BUAP Cúmulo de Virgo, Reserva Territorial Atlixcáyotl, Centro Recreativo Club de Golf, Puebla, Puebla

Dirigido a profesores de Flauta con Filosofía para profesores latinoamericanos y Todos los niños pueden para Norteamericanos. VIRTUAL: 26  y 27  Octubre PRESENCIAL: 31 octubre, 1  y 2 Noviembre 2024 Modalidad: Virtual y Presencial. Duración: 23 horas de Libro 3 (con 8 horas de Observación) y 10 horas de Estrategias de la Enseñanza.

Estrategias de la enseñanza

Facultad de Artes BUAP Cúmulo de Virgo, Reserva Territorial Atlixcáyotl, Centro Recreativo Club de Golf, Puebla, Puebla

Dirigido a profesores de Flauta con Filosofía para profesores latinoamericanos y Todos los niños pueden para Norteamericanos. VIRTUAL: 26  y 27  Octubre PRESENCIAL: 31 octubre, 1  y 2 Noviembre 2024 Modalidad: Virtual y Presencial. Duración: 23 horas de Libro 3 (con 8 horas de Observación) y 10 horas de Estrategias de la Enseñanza. This roster...
