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Viola Practicum

April 15 - May 20


Course content and preparation: Practicum is a course about how to teach. Each participant will share videos of their teaching. We will analyze and discuss the pedagogical, technical, musical, and psychological elements of each. Video lesson segments should include a complete 30-minute private lesson working on Suzuki repertoire and one 30-minute segment of participant’s choice. Possibilities are a consecutive lesson of the same student, a group lesson, a reading lesson, a challenging student, a behavior-issue lesson, a parent-issue lesson, a lesson at a different book level, a student recital, etc. More footage may be prepared, but amount of viewing will depend on time constraints, class size, etc.

Please reach out if you have questions or would like more information.

You must be logged in to your SAA account and have Active Membership to join the course roster.

Scroll down to the bottom of this page to the enrollment box, click “+1”, then click “get tickets”. Follow the process to enroll and enter your payment information as instructed. 

You will receive an email confirmation after signing up.  You can also verify your enrollment from your profile under Upcoming Courses.

If you do not see the Enrollment box at the bottom of the page, first check your membership status here  (the link will first ask you to log in if you aren’t already logged in). Then return to this page and refresh. 

If you have a message that says you do not meet the course prerequisites, join the Waitlist. If you believe that message is incorrect, or if you have any trouble, write to info@suzukiassociation.org and explain the problem. 


April 15
May 20
Event Category:


Studio of April Losey

Additional Scheduling Info

Class Prerequisites: ECC/Filosofia and Unit 1 plus at least 1 year of teaching. Must have a current Suzuki studio.

Class Schedule: Class will meet online (zoom) from 8:30-11:30am Pacific Time on Tuesdays April 15, 22, May 6, 13 and 20th.
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