Teaching Music Reading in Piano Group Classes
July 12 - July 13
$325.00Saturday, July 12
1:30-6:30pm Teaching Music Reading
Sunday, July 13
1:30-6:30pm Teaching Music Reading
Taught by Caroline Fraser, this course offers the rare opportunity to observe Caroline Fraser in action, teaching group classes to students in Suzuki Books 1 through 5. In addition, participants will be guided in how to introduce, reinforce, and build on musical skills including reading, ensemble playing, and music theory. Caroline’s unique approach offers a joyful learning environment inspired by both Suzuki and Kodaly, guiding children from known to unknown, using all of their senses. For more information, please feel free to read more about Caroline’s approach to Music Reading.
Impartido por Caroline Fraser
Un curso que ofrece la rara oportunidad de observar a Caroline Fraser enseñando clases grupales a estudiantes en los libros Suzuki de piano 1 y 2. Además, los participantes serán guiados sobre cómo introducir, reforzar y desarrollar la lectura en niños pequeños. El enfoque único de Caroline ofrece un ambiente de aprendizaje alegre inspirado tanto en Suzuki como en Kodaly que guía a los niños de lo conocido a lo desconocido a través de los sentidos. Para obtener más información, no dude en leer más sobre el enfoque de Caroline sobre la enseñanza de la lectura musical Caroline’s approach to Music Reading. El curso de lectura musical también incluye un taller adicional de Improvisación/Composición con Rebecca Boblak.
Latin American participants receive a 50% discount on the cost of the course. To receive the discount, please register through the Suzuki Circle website.
College Students and Recent Graduates (within the past 3 years) receive a 25% scholarship toward the cost of attending Suzuki Circle. Please pay in full, then write to Hillary Nordwell (hillary.nordwell@gmail.com) with your mailing address and the name of the institution you are studying at (or graduated from) to receive a guaranteed 25% scholarship from the Suzuki Association of Washington State.
You must be logged in to your SAA account to join the course roster. Log in at the link below in a different window, then refresh this page:
Next, scroll down to the bottom of this page to the enrollment box, click “+1”, then click “get tickets”. Follow the process to enroll, and enter your payment information. Please check your email after submitting payment.
You will receive an email confirmation at the email associated with your login.
If you have any trouble, please write to info@suzukiassociation.org and explain the problem.