Friday April 8th, 2011, Boulder, CO

The meeting was called to order at 9:06 a.m, by Teri Einfeldt, chair.

Members present: Sue Baer, Ellen Berry, Dan Browning, Teri Einfeldt, Chair, Mark George, Chair-Elect, Marilyn Kesler, Sarah Montzka, Patricia Purcell, MaryLou Roberts, Marilyn O’Boyle, Betsy Stuen-Walker, Secretary, and Pam Brasch, ex officio.

Motion #1 In accordance with Policy 4.3.2 (“The board will educate the owners about the governance process and will communicate its decisions and actions”) the Governing Policies Manual shall be posted in the members area of the website.
M MaryLou Roberts S Dan Browning Carried

The Board acknowledged receipt of the monitoring reports 2.4, 2.5 and 2.7.

Motion #2 To amend Policy 3.4.4 to include the policy number next to the title of each policy.
M Teri Einfeldt S Sue Baer Carried

Pam Brasch presented information about the election process for the 2011 Board ballot and the results.

The Chair charges the nominating committee to produce a specific plan to educate members about the Board nomination and election process including use of the website and other communication outlets.

Pam Brasch reported on the Parents as Partners Online. She presented a handout showing enrollment numbers and geographic information of those participating.

Pam Brasch presented an update on the SPA course, sharing the numbers of courses and participants to date.

A discussion followed about the 2012 Conference.

Pam Brasch reported on this year’s Annual Fund. About 190 stars have been purchased thus far. The Board recommended leaving it up as an ongoing feature.

Teri Einfeldt led a discussion about the AGM (Annual General Meeting) to be held at the Leadership Retreat on Sat., May 20th, 5 p.m.

Marilyn O’Boyle reported for the Ownership Connection Committee sharing ideas for this summer’s focus groups.

Betsy Stuen-Walker reported for the Honorary Board Committee. A letter was sent to each Honorary Board member with personal notes attached.

Consensus Statement: SAA Board members will volunteer to coordinate the creation of a video gift for the people of Japan in cooperation with the summer institutes.

An ad hoc committee was created that includes Mark George, Marilyn Kesler, Teri Einfeldt and Patty Purcell.

Patty Purcell presented for the Board Education committee with FAQs regarding Owners.

Teri Einfeldt, chair, dismissed the meeting at 5:36 p.m.

Saturday April 9, 2011

Teri Einfeldt, chair, called the meeting to order at 9:05 a.m.

The chair announced next year’s dates according to policy 4.7.1.A:

Sept 16-18, Friday – Sunday possibly Ontario, Canada
Jan 13-15, Friday – Sunday
April 13 -15, Friday – Sunday

Motion #3 To approve the minutes as revised.
M Marilyn O’Boyle S Ellen Berry Carried

Sue Baer reported from the Development Committee. The Committee proposed a two-tier campaign to include an online (“Viral”) Campaign and an annual appeal letter.

The Board received, read and discussed the monitoring reports.

Consensus statement: The CEO shall realign with Ends Policy 1.2 in regards to Suzuki in the Schools.

The Board commends the CEO for the thorough and comprehensive monitoring reports, and for the clarity and transparency of the finance reports.

The Board shared information gathered from potential partnering organizations. Pam Brasch will review the information and present recommendations to the Board.

Pam Brasch talked about the Leadership Retreat. The theme is Communication.

Mark George reported for Nominating Committee. Information will be shared via the Leadership Retreat, E-News and essays from the Board.

Dan Browning presented the Audit Report.

Motion #4: The CEO shall act on the relevant recommendations in the Report to Governance resulting from the 2010 Financial Statement Audit.
M Mark George S Sue Baer Carried

A discussion took place regarding online meetings and retreats.

Consensus statement: The Teacher Development Advisory Committee shall investigate online training courses in regards to web 2.0, e.g. online evaluation tools, video archive observations, post-course evaluation, real-time training via video conferencing, etc., in order to ensure a continuing high quality standard of teacher training.

Teri Einfeldt, chair, dismissed the meeting at 7:16 p.m.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Teri Einfeldt, chair, called the meeting to order at 9:14 a.m.

The meeting began with a discussion of Creating Learning Community nominations for the 2012 Conference. Sarah Montzka, chair of the CLC committee, is gathering names for consideration.

The Board discussed Board Education and communications with the membership, which is a
topic we have addressed with Caroline Oliver, Carver Governance advisor.

The Board shared ideas on expanding our vision to develop leaders and how we might involve an ad hoc Leadership Development Committee.

A discussion took place regarding possible speaker’s bureau topics—ways to use story-telling. A desire was expressed to capture the Suzuki experiences (“stories”) from our older teachers to pass on and preserve for future generations. The Board shared comments resulting from an exploratory worksheet distributed at the Jan. board meeting.

Policy 4.2 was discussed. Sue Baer suggested the statement, “The Board will operate in all ways
mindful of its stewardship obligation to all legal and moral owners of the SAA”. Further discussion was tabled for continuation at the September meeting.

Teri Einfeldt, Chair, adjourned the meeting at 12:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Betsy Stuen-Walker, Board Secretary