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Short Score - Your Key to the Suzuki Community
Newsletter June 2018FacebookTwitter

Greater Than We Would Be on Our Own

Season Two, Episode Two of the Building Noble Hearts podcast is here! From Alaska and Belize, we look at the stories of two women who have thrived in their small music communities. What did it take for them to create excellence when resources were limited? Are there lessons for all of us, even if we live in a community of abundance?

Click Here to listen to this and all the other episodes.


First Suzuki Convention of the Americas

May 1–5, 2019, Cancun, Mexico

“This convention was created with a unique approach. It is not a conference, nor an institute; it is neither an encuentro nor a festival. But it is a combination of all the above. The main focus is to have teachers and students from 19 different countries engaged in various activities: panel sessions, keynote addresses, classes, and daily concerts. It is also the first time there will be an example of every Suzuki modality in a single event!”
- Leslie Mizrahi

Read all about it Here!

Welcome Suzuki Association of Wisconsin!

S A Wisconsin Receives Certificate

photo credit: Allison Huebner-Woerner

Suzuki Association of Wisconsin

On Saturday, May 26, the Suzuki Association of Wisconsin became the newest Chapter Affiliate of the SAA. SAW was first established as a legal non-profit organization in 1993, but recently the new board took the necessary steps to become a Chapter Affiliate of the SAA. They saw that the official connection with the SAA would strengthen their Suzuki community in Wisconsin and they look forward to connecting with the other Chapter Affiliates as well.

Welcome, Wisconsin!

Interested in becoming a Chapter Affiliate? Email .


to the newest recipients of Certificates of Achievement, Level One!

Certificate Achievement Logo Sample

Jilliene Bowers, Violin, MI
Holly Blackwelder Carpenter, Violin, WA
Rebekah Hanson, Violin, OR
Stacy Smith, violin, UT
Victoria Kutchta Szczepaniak, Violin, IL
Rafael Videira, Viola, CT
Rafael Videira, Violin, CT
Maryfrances Kirsh, Piano, OH
Aubrey Faith-Slaker, Piano, IL
Brittany Gardner, Cello, UT
Anna Doak, Bass, WA

National Anthem at Tides Game

AOM Suzuki Plays National Anthem at Tides Game

The Suzuki Program of the Academy of Music in Norfolk, VA, directed by Joanna Binford, played for their Triple-A baseball team, The Tides, in May 2017 for first time ever! Joanna reports that “Over 50 students played an arrangement (of the National Anthem) that involved Twinklers to upper level violinists. The baseball crowd enthusiastically applauded their performance!”

Have a great picture to share? We are looking for photos of students performing in their community. Did you invite the neighborhood to a book recital? Or the general public to a group concert? Have you played in an assisted living facility, street fair, or mall? Send a picture our way and we will share favorites in Short Score!


Cover Contest

2017 Minijournal Cover Contest Winner

Our 2017 Cover Contest winners are now published! Sabrina from Oregon has her artwork on the cover of the 2018 Minijournal. Thank you Sabrina!

Click Here and scroll for info on submitting artwork to the 2018 cover contest!

Know a Special Teacher in your Community? Name a Star in Their Honor!

Galaxy Map Large Sample

Grateful for a special teacher? Especially touched by someone at an Institute? Remembering a loved one who appreciated children and music? Recently, Julie Schafer, Richard Brooks, and Melisa Crane have all had stars named in their honor.

You too can give a lasting and meaningful gift by naming a “star” in someone’s honor on the Giving Galaxy of Stars. Watch this touching video and join the many others in “thanking our lucky stars” as we strive to light up the SAA Galaxy of Stars with appreciation.

A Big Thank You to Our Conference Sponsors!

Robertson & Sons Violin Shop, Inc.

Shar Music

Alfred Music

Kawai America

Schmitt Music

Connolly Music Company

D’Addario & Co., Inc.

Super-Sensitive Musical String Co.

CodaBow International, Ltd.

Brannen Brothers Flutemakers, Inc.

Every Child Can!

Looking for an Every Child Can! course?

July 2, 6, 7, 9, 13, 14, 20, 21 and beyond!

Get more info here.

Suzuki Principles in Action (SPA) Logo

Looking for a SPA course?

October 5-6 in Poughkeepsie, NY

Get more info here.

Institute season is…

Institute Email Photo 2018—20

…here! There are still opportunities to observe, and a few chances to register as well! Find date, place, and contact info here.

This Summer: Institute Focus Groups

At every summer institute, all Suzuki members have the chance to gather at an SAA Focus Group meeting. At these vibrant, collaborative meetings, we discuss current questions and ideas. The ideas brought up—whether new or recycled—can be interesting and helpful to everyone. Plan now to attend an institute in 2018, and be sure to lend your voice to the discussions at an Institute Focus Group meeting!

ATTENTION, Suzuki Program Directors

Spa Email

Including Suzuki School Administrators, Chapter Affiliate Boards, Local Suzuki Teachers Groups, and others!

Experience hassle-free planning & fret-less hosting—who doesn’t like that?

  • See improvements in teacher/parent cooperation.

  • Watch new collegial connections develop.

  • Raise the levels of excellence achieved in your own teaching.

The SAA needs YOU to host a 2-day SPA course at your school or other program facility!

You provide the location, you help spread the word, and brew the coffee. The SAA does almost all of the planning——registrations, contracts, travel & more!

Suzuki Principles in Action © (SPA) may be offered from September through early April. SPA welcomes all Suzuki instrumental, vocal, and Early Childhood teachers who meet the minimum requirements. PLAN NOW! Click here for more about the course, or call the SAA Office for further details.

If you are interested in advertising in the Short Score Newsletter,
click here for details or contact us at .

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The Suzuki Association of the Americas is a nonprofit organization of teachers, parents, and educators dedicated to the advancement of the Suzuki Method in the Americas.

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Suzuki Association of the Americas
PO Box 17310, Boulder CO 80308