Suzuki Association Chapter Wise
June 2018
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SAA News

Round Table at Conference

On May 26, 2018, at the Biennial Conference, there was an energetic Round Table discussion with nearly all of the SAA Chapters represented. A big “Thank you!” to all those who attended! It was a fast paced and energized time as we all shared one project that had been particularly successful during the year.

Find a transcript (edited for clarity) and continuing discussion HERE:

Season Two of Building Noble Hearts

Building Noble Hearts Podcast

In season one we talked with individuals and learned how specific principles of Suzuki teaching influenced their lives. In season two, we will pull back and take a broader view of the ways Suzuki philosophy has influenced people through time, among community members, within families, and across the globe.

This is an entertaining resource for both parent education and continued teacher education, and we would appreciate you highlighting it in your Newsletters! Let us know if you need graphic images or iTunes link information.

North Carolina Suzuki Association

North Carolina Suzuki Association

Repetition = Growth

Instead of planning more events than they were comfortable with, NCSA had a success in 2017 with a simple play-in, and planned the same course of action for 2018.
As Suzuki teachers know: repetition inspires growth!

“After a successful play-in last year in Raleigh, we decided to capitalize on that momentum and hold another play-in, this time in Charlotte in January 2018. The plan is to use the morning on the day of the play-in as a teacher enrichment time, then hold classes and a play-in concert in the afternoon for students.”

Solution Finders
North Texas Suzuki Association

North Texas Suzuki Association Learns Together to Grow Together

North Texas Suzuki Association has decided that it is important to their organization to work on their continuing education together. When they bring in outside experts, and attend their workshops together, they have found that they grow individually and as a community as well!

“We held teacher development in January 2017 with Ed Kreitman. He presented “Teaching in the Triangle,” a look at how as teachers we shift and control our energy to adapt to the different roles we play in the Suzuki Triangle. In January of 2018, we welcomed Ronda Cole with “The Audacity to Make a Difference.” We will look at how we use language to create the world of the lesson and our Suzuki communities so as to unleash their power, freedom, and self-expression.”

Leadership Links

Decisions, Decisions!

Stock Image Decisions

During the Round Table session at Conference, it was clear that Chapters were stronger when they were guided by a well understood and agreed upon Mission Statement.

Another topic that came up frequently was decision making about which programs/websites/events to keep into the future. Conversation centered around programs that weren’t currently benefiting members and students but had originally been established with considerable effort by well respected members. One way to decide the course going forward is to understand the economics principle called “sunk cost,” when looking at projects developed in the past.

❦ Connect: Build community among all students, parents, and teachers.

❦ Educate: Provide resources and/or support to teachers and parents, incoming and current, concerning Suzuki teaching and philosophy.

❦ Support: Financially benefit teachers and students for further enrichment (i.e. scholarship programs for conferences, institutes, workshops).

❦ Celebrate: Arrange Concerts, Graduation, Celebration, Cross Instrument Recitals, Honors Recitals, etc. to rejoice in music together.

❦ Respect: Support the Suzuki name/brand/legacy by requiring SAA membership for teachers as well as broadening membership and providing grassroots feedback to the SAA.

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Suzuki Association of the Americas
PO Box 17310, Boulder CO 80308