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Short Score - Your Key to the Suzuki Community
Newsletter November 2018FacebookTwitter

Does this describe you?

Are you a Suzuki Teacher who loves to hone your craft?
Are you a Suzuki Parent who loves to learn about parenting communication, practicing games, or raising a “good citizen?”

Then Parents as Partners Online 2019 is for you!

This series of over sixty short online videos are created by Suzuki Teachers and Parents, especially for Suzuki Parents and Teachers. We cover topics like:

  • Questions and answers about teen years
  • Communicating difficult issues
  • Working with the “squirrelly” ones
  • Mindful practice
  • Time management
  • and much more!

Each Monday for 10 weeks, at least five short videos will be aired with accompanying audio only format, and transcripts, as well. Once posted, all talks will be available online through October 15, 2019.

To get a taste of what’s in store for those who subscribe, check out this
Free Preview Video.

Early Pricing available until January 15.

Shinichi Suzuki’s 120 Birthday, October 17, 2018!

120th Birthday Cake

Thank you to all members, families, and friends who participated this year!

Numbers of donors increased by 23%, with total support of $9,300 received for 2019 SAA scholarships.

China Flag

China Suzuki Headquarters

November 6, 2018
Announcement from
Asia Region Suzuki Association
Suzuki Method Official Website in China

“The ARSA has announced the establishment of the first Suzuki Method official website in China. The Information of Suzuki Method, Dr. Suzuki, ISA, ARSA, and Global Suzuki community can now be provided to the public in China through this official website. Content of the website: List of trained teachers, certification received, Suzuki teacher training, information for parents/ students, announcements, news and Videos.”


Cover Contest

Carolina from NM Honorable Mention

2018 Cover Contest. Carolina from New Mexico received an Honorable Mention. Thank you, Carolina!

Click Here to see other winners then scroll down to submit your own artwork for a cover!
Entries due December 31, 2018, for the 2019 contest.

Looking for a Special Gift?

Name a “Star” for someone!

Galaxy Map Large Sample

Grateful for a teacher? Remembering a loved one who appreciated children and music? Give a lasting and meaningful gift by naming a “star” in someone’s honor on the Giving Galaxy of Stars. Watch this touching video and join the many others in “thanking our lucky stars” as we strive to light up the SAA Galaxy of Stars with appreciation.

STXSA Kick Off Event

STXSA Kickoff Event 2018

It’s been a year of rebuilding in Texas since Hurricane Harvey. With support from individual teachers, businesses, and the Suzuki Hurricane Relief Fund, Southeast Texas Suzuki Association opened their doors to the community and had a great kick-off event!

Dannette Schuh writes:
“We estimated over 90 students attended with families… There was cake and food and fun and parents and teachers were talking and enjoying the community feel. Our ‘event fair’ display boards included flyers, info and applications and we even raffled off a free registration to most of our events to encourage interest… In addition to the group classes and the play-in, there were games for the kids, a coloring area, a selfie station and more! Aunt Rhody even graced us with her presence!”

Have a great picture to share? We are looking for photos of students performing in their community. Did you invite the neighborhood to a book recital? Or the general public to a group concert? Have you played in an assisted living facility, street fair, or mall? Submit your own picture or…

Suzuki Principles in Action (SPA) Logo

Looking for a SPA course?

January 19, January 20, and February 9

Get more info here.

Looking for an Every Child Can! course?

Every Child Can!

December 7 and 9, and January 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 12 and beyond!

Get more info here.

Teacher Scholarship Deadline

The deadline for submitting your teacher scholarship application for training in North America is February 4, 2019. Find out more about scholarships here.

The Time is Now

to start planning for a spring SPA course in your area!

Spa Email

Suzuki Program Directors, Suzuki School Administrators, Chapter Affiliate Boards, Local Suzuki Teachers Groups, and others!

Experience hassle-free planning & fret-less hosting—who doesn’t like that?

  • See improvements in teacher/parent cooperation.

  • Watch new collegial connections develop.

  • Raise the levels of excellence achieved in your own teaching.

The SAA needs YOU to host a 2-day SPA course at your school or other program facility!

You provide the location, help spread the word, and brew the coffee. The SAA does almost all of the planning——registrations, contracts, travel & more!

Suzuki Principles in Action © (SPA) may be offered from September through early April. SPA welcomes all Suzuki instrumental, vocal, and Early Childhood teachers who meet the minimum requirements. PLAN NOW! Click here for more about the course, or call the SAA Office for further details.

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The Suzuki Association of the Americas is a nonprofit organization of teachers, parents, and educators dedicated to the advancement of the Suzuki Method in the Americas.

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Suzuki Association of the Americas
PO Box 17310, Boulder CO 80308