American Suzuki Journal 38.3

Published July 2010

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American Suzuki Journal 38.3


Welcoming Ontario

Sharing the Love of My Country

Sharing the Love of My Country


Chairs Column

The Virtue of Patience

The Virtue of Patience

International Trainers Share Thoughts on Tone

International Trainers Share Thoughts on Tone

1989 to Present My Experiences as a Suzuki Voice Teacher in Central Wisconsin

The Flutes are Flying

The Flutes are Flying

Teaching & Learning

Tips for Parents for Successful Practicing with Children

Tips for Parents for Successful Practicing with Children

Why is it So Hard to Play an Instrument

Why is it So Hard to Play an Instrument?

The Suzuki Teacher Moves

The Suzuki Teacher Moves

Thoughts on the Institute Experience

As I write, I am sitting near the duck pond on the beautiful Emory and Henry College Campus, near Abingdon, Virginia. Another Summer Suzuki Institute has come to a close, leaving me with wonderful memories – gifts too precious to… Read more ▶

ASJ 38.3, page 52

Alleviating Frustration

Is there a musician in the history of the universe who has not experienced frustration during practice, at least on occasion? Let’s face it—learning to play a musical instrument is challenging, and practicing is hard work! Because musicians are generally… Read more ▶

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ASJ 38.3, page 53


Never Too Old to Twinkle

Never Too Old to Twinkle!

Meet Rose Taylor

Meet Rose Taylor

A FourYear Journey to Lightly Row

A Four-Year Journey to Lightly Row

Latin America

Latin American Update

From the Suzuki Association of Peru: Caroline Fraser and Roberta Centurion I Encuentro de Alumnos Suzuki de América Latina (The First Latin American Suzuki students “Get-together”) January 9th through the 12th, 2010, Lima, Peru This was a historic occasion for Suzuki programs in the… Read more ▶

ASJ 38.3, page 61

The Peru 2010 Adventure A Moms Reflection

Reflections on Attending the 25th Annual Suzuki Festival of Lima Peru

News From Here & There

2010 Annual Meeting Summary

Board Chair Teri Einfeldt opened the SAA’s 2010 Annual General Meeting, welcoming and thanking everyone who came. Marilyn Kesler talked about this summer’s institutes. With 67 institutes planned, there are 10 more than in 2009 and 4 more than the average… Read more ▶

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ASJ 38.3, page 6

Stories, Poems & Tributes

In Memoriam Helen Gerald

In Memoriam: Helen Gerald

Helen Gerald My Friend Remembered

Helen Gerald: My Friend Remembered